Cognitive Engineering

Startup or Scam?



If you applied for a job at a company that claimed it was merely years away from sending a robot to Mars would you be suspicious? What if the company was run by Elon Musk? In this week’s podcast, we discuss the difference between startups and scams. Do all companies need to pretend to be bigger than they are to generate early revenue and success? We outline the legal conditions required to commit fraud, the infamous Theranos case and set out some red flags for determining if a company meets the scam test. Finally, we share some examples of where we may have stretched the truth ourselves. A few things we mentioned in this podcast: - Jobfished: the con that tricked dozens into working for a fake design agency - Theranos - 12% of corporate leaders are psychopaths,of%20psychopathy%20shows%20obvious%20signs For more