Simon And Wayne's Spiffing Review

48 Hour Review: Spiffing Review



Simon and Wayne return (again!) in a slightly re-jigged format of Spiffing Review. Leaving other film reviewers to deal with the mainstream movies, Spiffing Review will now take a look at independent films. This episode takes a look at the 48 Hour Film challenge as organised by Sci-Fi London. As well as taking a look at the top 10 films to make the 2011 shortlist, Simon and Wayne are joined by Christopher Puttock, director of It's A Trap!s entry, Temporary Status, who gives us his thoughts on the film making process. You'll be glad to hear that the "Trailer Park" has survived into the new format with trailers reviewed for When Harry Tries to Marry TrollHunter High Cost of Living The Bleeding House Brother's Justice all being reviews. To contact the show you can: email twitter @spiffingreview web To see the 48 film shortlist visit