Dwarfcasts (a Red Dwarf Podcast)

DwarfCast 152 – Robot Wars – Commentary



If you're reading this then there's a decent chance that at some point in your childhood or early adulthood you sat down on a Friday night and enjoyed the feast of mechanical violence that was Robot Wars. For older Millennials and young Gen Xers watching this show went hand in hand with being a Red Dwarf fan, not least because the host was, from series 2 onwards, Craig Charles himself. And it's for that reason Robot Wars qualifies for our series of 'Dwarf-adjacent' commentaries as we seize with both hands the opportunity to talk at length about a show very dear to our hearts for... quite a long time.Show notes Christopher Wickham's Ludicrously Niche blog posts on Robot Wars. Robot Wars Series 1 trailer, featuring Norman Lovett. Cheesoid hate self. Cheesoid kill self. Yes, there was a Robot Wars Celebrity Special in which Vic Reeves operated Diotoir, and yes it's on YouTube. Ant from Behemoth has a little strop. That time Jeremy Clarkson was nearly decapitated. Craig's other '90s technology-based