
Joel from the Venus Project about Earth 2.0, and "Inside the mind of a troll".



Two show topics tonight. For the first hour we will be talking with Joel Holt who is holding the fort at the Venus Project while Jaque and Roxanne are on tour. Mr. Holt witnessed what took place between the Venus Project and Earth 2.0. The purpose of this segment of the show is not to attack Earth 2.0 but to clear the air. I will also be reading from an email Roxanne sent me on the subject. In the second hour we will be going over a couple blog posts that I wrote recently on the subject of trolls. One of the worst trolls in the history of Wikipedia and the Zeitgeist Movement revealed why he trolls and I think it is very telling of what generally motivates these people. I posted this on my V-RADIO blog which you can get to by going to V-RADIO.org I hope you will join us! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/v-radio/support