Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

126. Getting Unstuck



Most of us feel stuck in some areas of our life. We might be stuck in an unfulfilling job, a dead relationship, with our health, weight, education,  or with a creative project we can't seem to start or finish. Often we have conflicting motives, desires or beliefs within us. There's what we consciously want for ourselves; but there may be other, unconscious parts of us that are afraid of change, don't believe we are worthy of success or love, or want to keep us safe from taking risk and sabotage our evolution. There is a spiritual principle that we create what we believe. If we are unsatified with our life circumstances, the possibility for positive change is ALWAYS available. We may need to look deeply to uncover and resolve the deeper conflicts within. When our desires are clear, when our inner conflicts are resolved, our path to prosperity can be smooth and clear as well. -- Want to connect spiritually, grow personally and work with me directly? Click here to learn more about my Spiritual Experience gr