Your First Thousand Clients With Mitch Russo

Exponential Thinking: How To Rapidly Advance In The Market With Aaron Bare



Taking big leaps when trying to get to a goal is tricky. One cannot learn the workaround of something unless they learn it piece by piece. Today, Mitch Russo is joined by Aaron Bare, a strategic facilitator who helps companies and leaders become innovative, exponential, and grow their mindset. His book, Exponential Theory: The Power of Thinking Big, provides the ten keys of exponential leadership to solving climate changes, social imbalances, and other problems present. Join Mitch and Aaron as they dive deep into exponential technologies, disruption, and achieving uncontrollable business growth. Free give away: The Book: the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Your First Thousand Clients Community today:mitchrusso.comMitch Russo LinkedIn