Community Signal

The Community Management Jobs You Turn Down



What are the reasons why you would voluntarily end the interview process for a community role? If you give it some thought, you’ll probably come up with some! Ryan Arsenault and Patrick share real stories from their careers, giving the reasons why they decided against continuing to interview with certain companies, including some you’ve heard of. This leads to a conversation on the community opportunists, and how Web3 and NFT projects often fit into this category. What does it mean for your career if a rug pull happens on your NFT project? What responsibility do community industry players have in hyping these projects? After they remove the .eth from their handle, who is left holding the bag? Patrick and Ryan also discuss: The simple question Patrick asks recruiters to understand if what they are building is a community Using “community” as a manipulation tactic Why Web3 hype feels different from Web2 hype Our Podcast is Made Possible By… If you enjoy our show, please know that it’s only possible with the