Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

131. The Great Mother



There is an infinite resource for unconditional love, wisdom, compassion and healthy boundaries available to us all. The Great Mother, a powerful aspect of the Divine Feminine, comes to us in many forms; through nature, the Earth, the Christian form of Mary, and the many Goddesses of world traditions. We all have a biological family, whether we love or hate them. But, ultimately we are children of the Universe, and the Great Mother is a potent and deeply healing part of our spiritual family that is present and practical when we open to receive from Her. ----- Please follow me on Insight Timer! Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts. If you like this podcast click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let us know what you loved most about the episode! Support Spiritual Psi-Kology on Patreon. Renee's book, workbook and guided audio series "Allies & Demons: Working With Spirit For Power And Healing." is now available on Amazon,  Kin