Faith Talks

077 - Know Thy Adversary Part 1



Ever heard any of these phrases? “The devil is defeated, we can just ignore him.” “We shouldn’t talk about the devil - it just gives him more power.” “That person really opened a door to the devil.” There are many different opinions and doctrines about what our attitude towards the devil should be.  But what does THE WORD say? 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that we have an adversary and he is the devil. He roams like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 2 Corinthians 2:11 also warns us to NOT BE IGNORANT of his devices - his wiles, strategies and schemes. That word “ignorant” is the Greek word “agnoeo” which means to “have no understanding of”, “be uninformed of”, or “be wilfully ignorant of”. God tells us NOT to be ignorant of the enemy’s schemes and tactics, because if we are, we won’t know when, what or how to resist. And if we don’t know when, what or how to resist, he can successfully “devour” us.  The Good News is, that God has given us EVERYTHING we need to know about our adversary and how