Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

The Lord Knows (2 Peter 2:1-10a) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



The words of Scripture are not the mere words of men, they are the words of God. And they matter, truth matters - doctrine matters. Christians are called to love people, but not by compromising truth. Christians are also called to unity in the body, but not by compromising truth. Without the truth of Scripture, love and unity are hollow goals that do not accomplish what God intends. Sound doctrine actually unites the church under the authority of God. The church needs under-shepherds who will not lull the people of God toward laziness (like the leaders in Jeremiah's day - Jer. 23), but who stir the, up toward godliness and action. Peter uses three OT examples of what happens when lies are believed instead of truth, and reminds us of the Rescuer who has come to seek and to save the lost.