So To Speak W/ Jared Howe

S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 912 | Trashing Trump



The extremely online Dissident Right likes to be on the cutting edge of hot and novel takes. As a peer-oriented internet culture, its identity morphs and shifts in response to the rise and fall of certain memes and personalities. He may not live up to the DR's arbitrary, ever-changing purity standards, but Donald Trump has undoubtedly been among the most influential in both categories. In the current year, Right-Wing Curators of Hot Takes on the Internet have adopted an openly antagonistic posture toward Trump and his supporters, but is the juice worth the squeeze? In spite (or even because) of everything, there hasn't been any love lost for Trump among most white ruralites. Is being right worth alienating yourself from the people you need to divide political labor with? Is alienation going to put you in a position to better steer that division of political labor? This is EPISODE 912 of So to Speak w/ Jared Howe!