Father Snort

Love, Grace, and Communion: The Holy Trinity - Audio



Brad Sullivan Trinity Sunday, Year A June 11, 2017 Emmanuel, Houston 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Matthew 28:16-20 Love, Grace, and Communion: The Holy Trinity A couple of years ago on Trinity Sunday, I had this idea to preach about God as a frosted Donut, as a way of describing the Trinity, with The Father as the dough part, Jesus as the frosting, and the Holy Spirit as the hole, where, it’s kinda hard to define, it’s kinda hard to explain the Holy Spirit, but it isn’t a donut without the hole. Thankfully for the sake of the congregation a couple of years back, I decided not to do that. It would basically be heresy, unless it’s Shipley’s Donuts, but in all seriousness, I’ve heard similar approaches to describing the Trinity, such as, “God is like an egg” with the shell, white, yoke: three and yet one. Of course that’s three parts that make the whole egg, rather than three whole persons who make the wh