Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

An Angel Healer Card Reading for Abundant YOU!



Join the Angels Don’t Lie Facebook Community & stay tuned for my Abundantly You Series 09/19-09/23 —- Learn more about becoming an Angel Healer & my upcoming 3 day in-person Immersive Retreat —- Hello, hello, hello & welcome to another episode of Angel’s Don’t Lie! Today’s episode is a special Angel Card Reading for YOU!  If this resonates with you, I invite you to join me for my complimentary Angel Healer Party 5-day event Abundantly You, September 19- 23 | 9am- 11am ET.  Taking place on my Angels Don’t Lie Facebook page, each of these 5 days I will feature a guest expert to share a teaching around the topic of living as the Abundant YOU! We will open each day with a guided meditation and close with reflective journal work.  I hope that today’s Angel Card reading serves you & supports you and I can’t wait to see you during my Abundantly You event! — Access my complimentary Angel Mediumship Third Eye