Jim Duke Perspective

Illuminati Plans, Zionist Agenda, Shift in the NWO



This episode hits the historical agenda of the Illuminati, where they went in history to today. Also spoke on the Zionist agenda. And my speculation of the NWO headquarters once planned in America as the New Atlantis. The Zionists have planned infiltration of the Middle East through its political Zionist Israel for a New Jerusalem (not biblical New Jerusalem). Possible that the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem was a declaration that the Freemasonic and Israel headquarters have agreed to a common alliance in Jerusalem for the NWO. Not sure. But they will soon put their plan together (at least as God allows). Vatican is also involved and may head up Mystery Babylon. Although likely that will incorporate Gnosticism, mysticism, and Kabbalah. This show was jam packed with ramblings.