Rooster Radio - Business & Personal Growth Insights & Stories From Entrepreneurs And Leaders In Business, Health, Tech & More

Ep 113 SouthStart Series - How Dr Michelle Perugini is unlocking the life giving power of AI



Dr Michelle Perugini is an academic, entrepreneur, and an internationally renowned expert in health, medical research, advanced analytics, and cognitive AI. Michelle spent the first 13 years of her career in health and medical research, specialising in predictive genetics and translational medicine. Michelle then co-founded global technology company ISD Analytics with her husband Don, who is also an accomplished scientist, selling the business to Ernst and Young (EY) in 2015. With little time to rest, the Perugini's founded Life Whisperer, a company that uses technology to help improve the chances of IVF couples having children. This is AI-driven, cloud based image analysis that improves the accuracy of healthy embryo selection in IVF. In conjunction with Life Whisperer, the duo also launched another AI company, Presagen. It has been a remarkable journey for someone who didn't feel born for entrepreneurship. Michelle shares her story, the naivety of her approach to her first company, and the learnings fro