Rooster Radio - Business & Personal Growth Insights & Stories From Entrepreneurs And Leaders In Business, Health, Tech & More

Ep 54 Mark Knowles On Success And Failure At The Olympics, How To Survive As A Semi-pro Sportsman



Mark Knowles is the captain of Australia's men's hockey team, the Kookaburras, who were gold medal favourites at the Olympics. After an enormous build up, the Kookaburras crashed out in the quarter finals. As a leader, Mark has been dealing with the fall out - What went wrong? What would he change? What next? For Mark, Olympic failure is even more bitter because he's tasted ultimate success - winning gold in 2004. A junior team member at the time, Mark admits he was naive about it all - only now does he realise the significance of what was achieved. For a semi-professional sportsman, much more than a medal is on the line. If you don't succeed, your team doesn't get government funding. At $250 per week the Hockey player pay packet is already meagre and Mark talks about how he juggles cash flow, including Indian Premier League contracts, sponsorships and a coaching business. Mark is a true champion, not only a gold medallist but a World Player of the Year and world cup winner, but still a humble lad from Roc