Rooster Radio - Business & Personal Growth Insights & Stories From Entrepreneurs And Leaders In Business, Health, Tech & More

Ep 38 Robin Freeth On Spreading Ideas With TEDx, Dot Com Boom And Bust, Your Personal Board



TED talks are a creative force. With the mantra "ideas worth spreading", TED's short and powerful presentations, published on video and shared via social media, have enormous global influence. Robin Freeth, who is taking the phenomenon to a local level with TEDx Adelaide, discusses about the TED talks that have impacted him and the importance of engaging and executing ideas. Robin has a story to tell, in his own right. He led a UK web company through the highs and lowest of lows of the dot com boom, and has held senior marketing roles with major brands in both the UK and Australia. While working with Vodaphone, Robin played a key role in the company's major sponsorship agreement with Port Power, and talks about how corporates measure success in significant branding deals. Now running his own business, Robin is sought after as a leader and mentor, and shares some interesting views on the importance of establishing a personal board. This interview is brought to you by PickStar, the place to connect with sp