Entertain The Geeky




During hard times such as these, it is important to cling to our sanity. One of the ways we can do this is by diving into a good story. Below are a few links to a few great places to get some free reading material, in the form of digital comics and trades. Comixology: https://www.comixology.com/?app=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BRAND%20-%20HV&utm_content=BRAND%20-%20E&utm_term=comixology&tid=08242017&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj7v0BRDOARIsAGh37irgeRXDNPG5kNSf5ctC7PMADYSNGiNSaoEgmZ_8zXfLKjDpcRu5vq4aAqBuEALw_wcB Marvel Unlimited: https://www.marvel.com/comics (Scroll to read for FREE) DC Comics: https://www.readdc.com/free-comics Image Comics: https://imagecomics.com/comics/read-first-issues Dark Horse Comics: https://digital.darkhorse.com/pages/246/free-dark-horse-comics Go Comics: https://www.gocomics.com/ (A great place for comic strips and some oldies)