Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

150. False Gods & Inner Demons



Inner Demons are our unresolved emotional issues, old wounds, fears and dysfunction. False gods are the people, places and things we chase after thinking they will make us happy or fulfilled. The seven deadly sins could be understood as demons or false gods. Becoming aware of the behaviors and beliefs that cause us suffering or keep us stuck, gives us the power to create positive, constructive change in all areas of our lives. ----- Check out our free upcoming events and Masterclasses here. Please follow me on Insight Timer! Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts. If you like this podcast click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let us know what you loved most about the episode! Support Spiritual Psi-Kology on Patreon. Renee's book, workbook and guided audio series "Allies & Demons: Working With Spirit For Power And Healing." is now available on Amazon,  Kindle and Audible. Awaken the wisdom of your authentic self with these 1