Father Snort

Walking On Water: The Martyr of Charlottesville - Audio



Brad Sullivan Proper 14, Year A August 13, 2017 Emmanuel, Houston Matthew 14:22-33 Walking On Water: The Martyr of Charlottesville Jesus was the Word of God which spoke all of creation into existence. On some level, even subconsciously, I’d guess Jesus began to have some inkling of who he was. I wonder if in his encounter with his disciples on the boat, Jesus just forgot for a minute that humans can’t walk on water. He was tired; it had been a long day. He’d gone away to be by himself to pray for a while after learning that his cousin, John the Baptist had been beheaded, and instead of getting a break, Jesus ended up teaching and multiplying food some somewhere around 10,000 people (including the women and children). Finally, after all that, he sends his disciples across the sea in their boat while he gets to spend some time alone in prayer. So, worn out, dog tired, Jesus spent time alone in prayer, and I think he might have bee