Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Validating messages from Heaven: her grandfather apologizes



Welcome back to Angels Don’t Lie! This is a special part of my Miracle Minutes:Heaven Now series where I feature pop-in guests to join me for an Angel and/or Medium Reading. I want you to be able to hear firsthand what a reading from Heaven sounds and feels like. In this episode, my guests receives validation and confirmation from her passed loved ones that was the perfectly needed message.  – Do you have questions for your Angels or departed loved ones? Take a look at my upcoming Heaven Now events at Inside these two hour healing experiences, I use my God-based method to deliver profound messages from your departed loved ones, and channel healing guidance from God and the heavenly realm. These events will be mostly virtual with one in-person opportunity TBA. Pick the date/time that works best for you! You are Loved! Blessings,  Xx Jeanne — Join Soul Shine sessions: Channeled healing, guidance and messages in a virtual group setting that meets