Fja Research And Education Foundation

Titans of Trial - Mike Maher



Imagine working on a big case with your team and then leaving town – without them – to try to settle the case before the trial starts.  Well that’s the situation that Mike Maher of Orlando found himself in back in 1997.  As Chairman of the so-called “Group of Nine” Dream Team of Florida trial lawyers, Mike negotiated the $13 plus billion settlement from Big Tobacco to the state of Florida for Medicaid recoupment costs on sick smokers.  In just a few minutes, you’ll hear his story of what happened behind the scenes with Governor Chiles and those Big Tobacco lawyers.But if not for his father’s untimely death, Mike would have most likely become an engineer.  Instead, he headed to Stetson Law School and became one of Florida’s top trial lawyers, by engineering innovative solutions for his clients.   Mike is a former President of The American Association for Justice, as well as a former President of the Florida Justice Association.  An EAGLE founder, Mike has been honored with the Al J. Cone Lifetime Achievement A