Cognitive Engineering

Farewell, Sir Gavin Williamson?



As loyal listeners to the podcast will know, we regard the Conservative politician Sir Gavin Williamson as a source of almost endless fascination. His personal idiosyncrasies and unusual career path seem unique. But do politicians play by the same rules as the rest of us or are they held to an entirely different standard? In this week’s podcast, we discuss Sir Gavin Williamson. We sketch out the synergies between politics, sport, finance and the arts, present data on personality traits for leadership and speculate on the personality types of previous prime ministers. Finally, we share our worst character traits and reveal who we regard as the most underrated prime ministers. A few things we mentioned in this podcast: - Gavin Williamson text messages unacceptable, PM says - Commons watchdog hints at potential Gavin Williamson investigation - Perso