Hello 'autoresponder code here',Welcome to your first lesson in the Twitter Marketing Crash Course Each day for the next few days you will receive a lesson that will help you learn the ins and outs of using Twitter as an essential part for your Internet marketing business. In this first lesson let's talk a little about how you can start building a large network of friends, clients, associates, and customers using the social networking website Twitter. Many new users of Twitter are constantly asking how they can use the site more effectively for their business and since the site has grown into an Internet mega monster that is globally known and talked about, they are right to ask. The fact is Twitter is a fantastic tool for your IM business. Internet relationships are very different from actual personal relationships. They are based primarily on like, know, and trust. Many people are reaching out to others through social network websites like Twitter, Facebook and many others. If you are new to Twitter you may not realize that you can create your personal or business brand and virtually dominate your market, simply by building a list of followers. Let's talk about some of the ways you can you achieve this....