Carve - Decode



Decode discusses the latest social technologies and trends, and explores how brands better leverage them for success. Decode is a fortnightly podcast brought to you by Carve.


  • Stories on social

    15/01/2021 Duración: 22min

    Episode 8 of Decode is deep diving into Stories - the full screen vertical content format that has infiltrated almost all social platforms.Innovation Lead Jon is joined by Content Strategist Jessi as they discuss ephemeral content (aka short term, 24 hour viewable), why it has become so popular, and how can brands best harness its power.If a Story post is only going to be viewable for 24 hours, then why should I bother? Let us tell you why!

  • The power of a caption

    17/02/2020 Duración: 17min

    Episode 7 of Decode is all about copywriting for social - The power of a caption. Expert copywriter Bert and Account Manager Vicki speak to host Jon about what a difference words make when creating a social post - from blogs, to video scripts, to social dark ads.Should we be thinking of a caption as the primary part of a post? As important as the content itself? 

  • The rise and challenges of influencer marketing

    05/11/2019 Duración: 22min

    In this episode, Alex, Jessi and Turaya discuss the rise of the Social Media Influencer - across platforms including Instagram, YouTube, and even LinkedIn. How did we get here? Is influencer marketing the next step for your business or brand? What are the challenges surrounding influencers and what steps can you take to ensure it works for you?

  • Is engagement dead? What should brands optimise for on Facebook?

    26/06/2019 Duración: 16min

    This week on Decode we're discussing the rise and fall of vanity metrics in social ("we must get 100k followers!"), and exploring whether social engagement is still relevant. We start the discussion by referencing a report from Facebook called "Building Your Brand on Facebook". This episode features our Analytics Lead, Matt, and our Account Director, Jonny, as well as our host, Jon.

  • Why are brands ignoring seniors on social media?

    23/05/2019 Duración: 15min

    Why are brands ignoring the wealthiest and fastest growing audience on social media?Jon and Paul examine the opportunities that exist for marketing to Social Seniors.

  • How Social Media has changed in the last 10 years #TenYearChallenge

    06/03/2019 Duración: 25min

    This Decode episode is inspired by the recent #TenYearChallenge social meme. At Carve, we decided to take a look back and see how social media has changed in the last 10 years - and the trends that brands should leverage to move their social media forward.

  • The Rise of the Social CEO

    06/02/2019 Duración: 23min
  • How Brands Can Leverage Voice Tech

    17/01/2019 Duración: 16min

    Welcome to Decode. This week we look at the meteoric rise of voice assistants. From Amazon Alexa to Google Home - we explore why they have become so popular, how people are using them, and the opportunities they present for brands and businesses.