Awaken Radio Podcast | Heart-opening Conversations & Inspiring Interviews On Happiness, Health, Self-love & Spirituality



Connie Chapman is a life coach, speaker and writer who teaches practical, yet soulful ways to clear out struggle, fear and limitation and live with more fulfilment, freedom and flow.On Awaken Radio Connie brings you heart-opening conversations and inspiring interviews with thought leaders and experts from all over the world.You will hear raw, honest and vulnerable conversations which share the transformative journeys that both Connie and her guests have walked. Each episode is filled with inspiring guidance to help you clear out your fears, transform your mind, crack open your heart and rise into your highest potential.


  • 110 - Reclaim And Embody Your Feminine Power

    03/09/2021 Duración: 30min

    Embodying your feminine power is about realising that you do not have to be tough, unbreakable, always confident, kicking goals or achieving things in order to feel powerful.You do not have to follow a masculine paradigm. Feminine power is a more subtle and inward experience that lies in your energy, your embodiment, who we are being and how you feel about yourself.It is when a woman loves herself deeply, follows her intuition, owns her worth, implements boundaries and embodies her magnetism, that she taps into her true feminine power.She becomes a powerful force for change, healing and new possibilities.In this episode I cover:+ The difference between feminine power and masculine power+ Why many women are stuck operating in masculine paradigms+ The feminine expression of power is about energy, embodiment and who you are being+ Building a loving relationship with yourself+ How to feel empowered as a woman, from within+ The ways you weaken yourself and disconnect from your power+ How to honour yourself through

  • 109 - 3 Keys To Experiencing Deep Self-Love

    23/08/2021 Duración: 32min

    Self-love isn't about always being your best self or falling head over heels in love with yourself.Rather it is about building a healthy, supportive and empowering relationship with yourself. It is about releasing patterns of self-judgement, guilt, self-criticism and unworthiness and opening up to more self-compassion, kindness and unconditional love. Today on the podcast I am sharing 3 keys to deepening your self-love so you can stop feeling at war with yourself and start feeling more self-acceptance.In this episode I cover:+ The signs that you are loving yourself conditionally+ What it means to practise unconditional self-love+ How to release the story that there is something wrong with you+ Loving yourself despite your flaws + The importance of changing your self-talk+ Why you need to seperate your worth from your achievements+ How to feel good enough, just as you are+ The importance of acknowledging and celebrating yourself+ Signs that you are self-abandoning+ How to practice self-devotion+ Why putti

  • 108 - Honour The Cycles Of Your Feminine Energy

    03/08/2021 Duración: 32min

    Feminine energy is cyclical. We are not the same emotionally, energetically or hormonally each day and we are always moving through seasons, ups and downs, ebbs and flow, and various waves of emotion.But I see many women struggling to embrace the seasons and cycles of feminine energy. Instead they try to force their energy to function in more of a masculine way and expect themselves to feel the same, be the same and output the same every day.If we want to embody more of our feminine energy it is important that we begin embracing and honouring all of our various cycles and seasons of energy and learning how to love and support ourselves through them, rather than judge and resist them.In this episode I cover: + What it looks like to have our energy functioning in a masculine way+ The tendency to value masculine energy over feminine energy+ The cyclical nature of feminine energy and why we need to embrace this+ Honouring our menstrual cycle+ How we resist and judge the ups and downs of the feminine experience +

  • 107 - When We Get Triggered By Other Women

    27/07/2021 Duración: 34min

    Today I dive into comparison, envy and feeling triggered by other women.⁣ ⁣ I explore why seeing a woman expressing the fullness of herself, her feminine essence, her success or her power can make us feel triggered, uncomfortable, judgemental or even envious.I share how to work through these types of triggers so you can finally resolve this pattern, reclaim your power and allow other women to help you expand.In this episode I cover:+ How a drop in my Instagram following sparked this conversation+ Why I used to feel uncomfortable seeing women expressing their feminine sensuality and sexuality+ The opportunity in our triggers and what they are showing us+ Why the full range of the feminine has been suppressed+ Why our triggers are mirrors+ Working through comparison and envy+ Why our triggers are showing us what we deeply desire+ Reclaiming part of ourselves that we have judged, suppressed and denied+ How pole dancing has liberated my sensuality and sexuality+ The importance of celebrating other women+ Why the

  • 106 - Break Free From Perfectionism

    25/05/2021 Duración: 27min

    Today I am diving into a conversation about perfectionism because if I were to be completely honest, this is something I am really navigating at the moment.Perfectionism has been playing out in my business in a big way lately and it has been stopping me from expressing my messages and sharing my creations.Breaking free from perfectionism is not always easy, so I wanted to share some of the practices I have been working with to help me. Healing this pattern requires us to face our fears of being imperfect and not good enough, detach from the outcome, release external validation and instead return to the joy and inner fulfilment of what we are doing and creating.In this episode I cover:- How perfectionism blocks our authentic self-expression and creativity- Returning to your joy and why is the key to getting unstuck- Being guided by your inner fulfilment rather than external validation- How to embrace your imperfections, mistakes and messiness- Why releasing perfectionism is a journey of self-love- How to uncov

  • 105 - Boundaries, Self-Honouring & Overcoming People Pleasing

    23/04/2021 Duración: 38min

    In today’s episode, I dive into a raw and honest conversation about boundaries and I share some of my current challenges in this area.⁣⁣I talk about the importance of clearly communicating our boundaries so they are not just 'unspoken expectations' that when broken leave us feeling resentful and unsupported. ⁣⁣And I dive into the reason why many of us struggle with implementing boundaries which stems from our learned patterns of people-pleasing, seeking external love, putting others before ourselves and needing to be liked.⁣⁣This conversation is about practising self-love and self-honouring, valuing yourself and having the courage to prioritise your wants and needs. ⁣In this episode I cover:- What it means to honour yourself and how to practice this- Why our boundaries are our responsibility- The danger of holding unspoken expectations - How to get clear on the boundaries you want and need to set- The importance of speaking up and having uncomfortable conversations- How patterns of people-pleasing s

  • 104 - 6 Self-Care Practices & Rituals To Work With In 2021

    02/02/2021 Duración: 39min

    Working with regular self-care practices and rituals is a powerful way nurture yourself, connect in with your feelings and needs, and fill yourself up from within.These consistent rituals can support you in feeling grounded and clear and can serve as anchor points when you are feeling overwhelmed and out of alignment.Personally for me, working with regular practices and rituals like this is the cornerstone of my self-care and forms a really important foundation of my mental and emotional wellbeing.So, today on the podcast, I am sharing the 6 key rituals and practices that I will be working with in 2021. I dive into each of these practices in detail and share how you can apply them in your own life to support yourself through the year.In this episode I cover:- How to choose the right self-care practices for you, rather than following what you think you should be doing, or what others are doing- The power of choosing practices that support both your inner feminine and masculine energies- How to design a morning

  • 103 - My 2021 Themes And Intentions & How To Experience Flow And Ease This Year

    22/01/2021 Duración: 41min

    In today’s episode, I am diving into my personal themes for 2021, my core guiding feelings and my intentions and desires for the year ahead. I also share how to navigate the energy of 2021 so you can experience flow and ease this year regardless of whether challenges present.While none of us know what 2021 will bring, in this episode I offer you guidance and practices to help you live in your power, feel how you want to feel and thrive in the ways that you are craving no matter what life delivers.In this episode I cover:- How we can use what we learnt in 2020 to help us thrive in 2021- Why staying in charge of our inner state will be really important this year- My 2 key guiding themes for 2021- What you can expect in my work this year- The core feeling words and sub-themes which will be guiding me this year- How an expected turn of events over the new year period led me to exactly what I needed to prepare for 2021- What it means to live in the flow and how to practice it- How to work through the emotions that

  • 102 - 7 Powerful Ways To Prepare For The New Year

    15/12/2020 Duración: 31min

    2021 is only a few weeks away, and so today I am sharing some powerful practices that you can use to prepare yourself for the new year.After all that 2020 has brought us, it is important that we take time to pause, reflect and fully integrate all of the lessons and learnings this year has delivered. So, in the episode today I share some rituals and tools you can use to wrap up 2020 with love and release any lingering heavy energy.I also share powerful practices to help you begin preparing for 2021 so that you don’t land in the new year on the back foot with no clarity or plan in place.In this episode, I cover:- How to use the month of December as a powerful period of preparation.- Why it is important to pause and reflect over your year so you can integrate your lessons, learning and blessings.- Powerful questions you can work through to help you wrap up 2020.- How to tune into your heart when clarifying your desires.- Powerful questions you can work through to help you uncover what you want to create, manife

  • 101 - How To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires While Staying In Your Feminine

    08/11/2020 Duración: 36min

    When we are working towards what we want, it is easy to become disconnected from our feminine energy. Instead, rely too heavily on our inner masculine energy and we end up feeling exhausted, over-worked and burdened.So in today’s episode, I share with you how to create and manifest your dreams and desires while staying connected to and embodied in your feminine energy.This way of manifesting and working towards what you want, allows you to still take action and show up powerfully but ensures your energy remains radiant, magnetic and deeply connected to your body through the process.In this episode, I cover:- Why it can be challenging to stay connected to our feminine while creating our dreams- Why manifestation is a co-creative process- How to open up and allow the Universe to support you- How to know which parts of your manifestation you need to surrender and let go of- What it means to shift into receptive mode and how to practise it- How to embody and radiate a magnetic energy- How to access your intuition

  • 100 - How I Called In A Healthy, Loving Relationship After 6 Years Of Being Single

    23/10/2020 Duración: 44min

    It is my 100th episode of Awaken Radio so I wanted to make this a special one, a personal one and a juicy one for you!In this episode, I am opening up to talk about my relationship journey and how I was able to call in a really healthy, committed, loving partnership after 6 years of being single.I unpack my journey of how I went from struggling in the area of relationships for years to where I am now and I walk you through my whole process, step by step.This episode is full of tips, practices and tools to help you move through the various ups and downs and challenges of calling in a healthy, loving relationship. I hope you enjoy it!In this episode, I cover:- Why it took me so long to call in this relationship even though I was doing so much manifestation work- Why building a healthy, loving relationship with yourself is the foundation for calling in the relationship you desire- Why divine timing plays a role in when your partner comes into your life- The deep inner healing work I did which prepared me for lov

  • AR #99 - Pull Yourself Out Of A Funk & Come Back Into Alignment

    14/08/2020 Duración: 36min

    With all that is unfolding this year, I wanted to jump on the podcast and talk about what to do when you fall into a funk - that space of feeling flat, out of alignment, uninspired, disconnected from what makes you feel good, or just kind of...meh.With many of our usual routines and ways of living being uprooted and changed this year, it is at times taking a lot of inner work to feel happy, aligned and empowered amongst the intensity and uncertainty. Despite all that is happening, we must remember that we are still in control of how we feel and how we respond. So, I wanted to dedicate today's episode to share some practical tools you can use to shift your state, pull yourself out of a funk and come back into alignment.In this episode I cover:+ Why the period of May-September is a potent time of inner transformation and how this has been impacting me personally.+ The healing practices I implemented through July that have shifted so much within me.+ What it means to be in a 'funk' and some indica

  • AR #98 - Deep Healing, Inner Child Work & Resolving Triggers

    26/06/2020 Duración: 34min

    The energy of 2020 is inviting us to embark on a journey of collective and personal healing. So much is rising to the surface now for us to face, feel and resolve.In today's episode, I offer you tools and reflective questions to help you dig deep, do the inner work and get to the root cause of your problems.What I share will help you to resolve what triggers you, heal the unresolved wounds of your inner child and reclaim your power from what has been keeping you stuck.In this episode I cover:+ The high-vibration light frequency of 2020 that is illuminating the shadow and supporting us to do the deep inner healing work.+ How to know if there is something in yourself or your life that needs healing and how to identify it.+ How to get to the root cause of a problem or challenge that you are experiencing in your life.+ What it means to get triggered, and why your triggers are helping you heal.+ The importance of taking responsibility for your unresolved feelings, emotions and wounds and not blaming others.+

  • AR #97 - Navigate Uncertainty With Surrender & Trust

    02/04/2020 Duración: 35min

    We are currently navigating a big period of collective uncertainty and unknown and for many of us, a lot of fear and anxiety has been rising.So, I wanted to come on the podcast today and offer you some tools, practices and guidance to help you in navigating the unknown and practising deeper levels of surrender, acceptance and trust.This current experience of COVID-19 holds so many powerful lessons, learnings and blessings for us, even though I know these are hard to see and find sometimes.My hope is that today’s episode will help you find the opportunities in this experience so you can step back into your power, show up for your inner work and begin to move forward in brand new ways.In this episode I cover:+ Why many of us are feeling an activation of our spiritual gifts at the moment.+ The importance of witnessing your relationship to uncertainty.+ How to shift your relationship to the unknown so you can feel excitement rather than fear.+ Why we need to get back in charge of our thinking, feelings and focus.

  • AR #96 - Embrace And Embody More Of Your Feminine Essence

    29/02/2020 Duración: 35min

    In today's episode, I am sharing the audio from a recent Instagram live that I recorded, where I spoke about my journey of healing my relationship to my feminine energy and the practices that have supported me through this over the past 6 years.I open up and share about the big wake-up all I experienced which showed me just how much I was operating from my masculine energy.Embodying our feminine is so important for us as women. For me personally, it has not only made me feel more full, whole, radiant and confident, but has allowed me to become magnetic to money, create a nourishing and abundant business and manifest a healthy, supportive and loving relationship.In this episode I cover:+ The tendency many women of us have to judge, reject and neglect our feminine self.+ The importance of deeply honouring your emotions, wants, needs, desires and feelings.+ How the energy you embody impacts what you attract and manifest in your relationships.+ The profound turning point I experienced 6 years ago which was t

  • AR #95 - How To Find Clarity When You Feel Confused, Stuck & Overwhelmed

    21/02/2020 Duración: 32min

    Ever since the year began, I have personally been navigating some feelings of confusion, stuckness and overwhelm and I have been moving through a big process of finding clarity.Most of us tend to dislike these periods of feeling confused or unsure of what we want, and we feel like something has gone wrong.But what if periods of confusion were not as negative as we think? What if they were a beautiful indication that something within us was shifting and that we were in a process of re-assessment, growth and change?On the podcast today, I am sharing tips and guidance that will help you navigate periods of confusion with grace and ease, along with a range of tools and practices you can use to help you find clarity.In this episode I cover:+ Why clarity is not something you find, but rather something that finds you.+ The confusion I was navigating around my business and work this year, and how I was able to find clarity around my plans and direction.+ Why finding clarity is a process and a journey and not somethin

  • AR #94 - 2020 Themes: A Year Of Pleasure, Alignment, Conscious Living & Expansion

    13/01/2020 Duración: 35min

    Welcome to my first podcast episode of 2020! The transition into the new year has been big and many of us are feeling it. We can feel the intensity and power of 2020 already, and the key lessons and learnings that this year is here to teach us are flowing in thick and fast. In today's episode, I dive deep into exploring the collective energy themes that are unfolding this year, the push we are feeling into more conscious living, how to expand your life and create your desires this year and also the importance of integrating feminine living principles and the practise of pleasure into all we do.I loved recording this first episode of 2020 for you, and I hope you enjoy it.In this episode I cover:+ How to navigate the transition from 2019 to 2020 and why it may take time to adjust to the new energy of this year.+ Dropping the new year pressure and letting yourself take space in January to really clarify why you want.+ The big ‘wake up call’ energy this year is bringing us.+ How to navigate some of the colle

  • AR #93 - Reflections & Learnings From 2019 + How I Am Preparing For An Epic 2020

    12/12/2019 Duración: 47min

    Here we are at the end of another year, and so it is time to reflect and review all that has transpired and begin to cast our mind and energy forward into what we desire for the new year.2019 has been a year that has felt incredibly special, love-filled and beautiful for me. It has felt very different to any other year I have had recently and it will always hold a special place in my heart.In this episode, I share my beautiful learnings and lessons from this year plus, I also dive into all things 2020 and I share about how I am planning and preparing for the new year, my key themes and desires and the collective energy themes we will be working with in 2020.In this episode I cover:+ Why 2019 unfolded differently to how I expected why this has been a deeply personal year with a stronger focus on relationships rather than work and business.+ The biggest learnings I have experienced this year around surrender, trust, intimacy, vulnerability, self-expression and trusting myself and my intuition.+ My insights from

  • AR #92 - The Power Of Boundaries & Putting Down What Makes You Heavy

    07/11/2019 Duración: 28min

    What if expanding your life was less about what you needed to bring on, start doing and implement and more about what you simply need to let go of, stop doing and put down?As you put down what makes you heavy, your energy lightens and your vibration raises.  This lighter energy inspires new actions, fuels new ideas and elevates you to new heights.In today's episode, I dive deeper into how you can lighten up your energy and expand your life through practising boundaries, as well as the power of becoming more self-honouring and discerning in what you invest your energy in.In this episode, I cover:+ Why the key to your expansion is 'lightening up' and putting down what makes you heavy.+ What it means to be in energetic alignment and the importance of prioritising what brings you into alignment.+ What a boundary is and the power of boundaries for protecting and honouring your energy.+ Why you don't always need to remove something from your life, but you may just simply need to change your rela

  • AR #91 - Q&A on Health, Beauty, Relationships, Business, Life Coaching, Divine Guidance & more

    04/10/2019 Duración: 39min

    I am super excited to be doing my first ever Q&A episode on the podcast today! This episode is full to the brim with tools, tips, practices and guidance on a whole range of different topics including health, beauty, business, life coaching, receiving divine guidance & more.In this episode, I answer your questions on:+ My top health tips and what motivates me to stay healthy.+ My favourite evening routine.+ My beauty regime and favourite skincare products.+ Being single, how to move through loneliness and how to activate sensuality and femininity when you're not in a relationship.+ Calling in healthy, safe relationships and how I manifested my current partner.+ How to release expectations and attachments in a relationship.+ How to maintain your self-love and self-care practices while being in a relationship.+ Where I completed my Life Coach training, how I got my first client and how many sessions I coach in a week.+ How I built my business and transitioned out of my day job.+ My tips for getting

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