The Vedic World View



Join philosopher, educator and celebrated speaker on the cognitive sciences Thom Knoles for conversations with leaders, teachers, authors and professors designed to inspire and provoke deeper insight. Thom is an renowned expert on the relationship between quantum physics and human consciousness, and on the 5,000 year-old body of wisdom known as the Veda. For over 40 years, he has personally taught meditation to tens of thousands of students and consulted to governments and private corporations.


  • Mastering the Siddhis

    30/06/2024 Duración: 24min

    Vedic meditators are blessed with a life-changing technique that can make a profound difference in their lives. Many meditators, though, seek to progress even further, and tap into the vast well of Vedic wisdom that is available to us all. One avenue for further progress is knowledge of and initiation into practicing the “Siddhis.” These advanced practices allow us to tap into extraordinary human capabilities and realize more of our human potential.In this episode, Thom gives us a brief overview of Mastering the Siddhis, his popular course which covers a vast array of the Siddhis practices, and is available only through approved Vedic Meditation Initiators.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Maharishi Patanjali[04:02] Yoga is a State[06:47] Sutra - A Short Aphorism[09:22] Closing the Gap Between Individuality and Universality[11:36] Siddhi - Extraordinary Human Capability[13:07] A Foundation for Greater Capabilities[15:23] The Ability to Master and Capture Cause and Effect[18:12] MTS - A Course of Six Instalments[20:5

  • How to Make Things Right

    23/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    As Vedic meditators, we have the distinct advantage of knowing that evolution is the only thing ever happening. So, if this is the case, do we ever need to make things right? Aren’t they right already?In this episode, Thom reminds us that we aren’t just pawns in some cosmic storyline that’s out of our control and that we aren’t just here to witness the story as it unfolds.In fact, as Vedic meditators, we have an additional responsibility to not just perceive when things need to be put right, but to step up and do what’s needed to maintain the evolutionary storyline.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Has Anything Actually Gone Wrong?[02:27] Vedanta - The Final Conclusion[04:10] The Big Bang[06:09] What Happened?[07:55] Who is this I?[09:53] Am I Being Called to Make Things Right?[11:47] Influencing the Storyline[13:28] Extended You[15:08] Scratching the Itch[16:37] Invitation and Capability[18:52] The Mahabharata - A Cracking Good Tale[20:57] This Isn't How I Want the Story to Go[22:46] You Can't Just be the KnowerUse

  • Questions on Spiritual Principles

    16/06/2024 Duración: 40min

    Spiritual principles can sometimes seem straightforward when we hear them, but when we put them into practice, we might find them difficult to uphold.This is especially the case when the principles have been misunderstood or misinterpreted.In this episode, Thom tackles some misconceptions about “charm,” wealth, and vegetarianism in answer to some listener questions.These are important principles to understand correctly so we can transcend old ways of thinking and get closer to achieving the 200% of life that Thom often refers to.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Q - Is it evolutionary to move towards greater suffering?[02:57] A - Dynamic Interaction[05:26] The Demands of Social Relevance[07:47] The Interactive Edge of Your Inner Potential[09:12] A Sustainable Lifestyle[10:42] Q - Is Wealth Compatible with Spiritual Principles?[11:20] A - False Assumptions[13:44] Desire and Fulfillment[16:27] It Would be Good to Have a Helicopter[19:36] The Universe Itself Desiring[22:29] The Formula - Transcend All of This[24:55] Tr

  • Austerity and Enlightenment

    09/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    As humans, we often draw conclusions based on observations. However, these observations can frequently lead us down the wrong path. Take, for instance, the assumption that wisdom or enlightenment demands an austere or stoic life. This belief stems from centuries of observing monastics and ascetics, who have traditionally been custodians of wisdom.This can lead people to think either, a) that they must lead an austere life to become enlightened, or b) that enlightenment is out of reach for them because they can’t imagine themselves leading an austere life. Thom sets the record straight in this episode, exploring the history of the custodians of Vedic wisdom, and the origin story that led to this misunderstanding, at least with respect to Vedic knowledge.It will come as a relief to many and put enlightenment back within reach of those who might think it’s beyond their scope in this lifetime. Thom also shares the technique that we can all use to accelerate the process.Episode Highlights:[00:45] False Assumptions

  • You Deserve the Best

    02/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Sacrificing the comforts of life is often seen as part of the “spiritual path,” so it might seem unusual to hear from a Vedic master that, “You deserve the best.”Yet this is one of the key teachings of Swami Bramhananda Saraswati, Thom’s master’s master, also referred to as Guru Deva.In this episode, Thom clarifies the meaning and intent of Guru Deva’s quote, reconciling the notion of deserving the best with the “pervasive guilt” that often holds us back from claiming or accepting the best. It’s an episode you deserve to listen to…Episode Highlights:[00:45] Your Birthright[02:38] In the Best Interests of All[04:12] Pervasive Guilt Consciousness[05:37] Living Your Best - Tat Wale Baba[07:46] A Dark Cave in the Jungle[09:19] As You Sow, So Shall You Reap[11:08] Lean Into the BestUseful https:/

  • Embracing the Sweet Truth

    26/05/2024 Duración: 18min

    “The truth hurts!”... or so we’re often told. Many of us have no problem being truthful, even if the recipient gets hurt in the process. After all, isn’t honesty the best policy?On the other end of the spectrum, for those who have difficulty telling the harsh truth, a “white lie” can often be a compelling and justifiable alternative.In this episode, Thom argues the case for something in between—the sweet truth—not only because it has a more unifying effect, but because the “truth” itself, isn’t as black and white as we like to think it to be.Episode Highlights:[00:59] The Idea of Sweet Truth[02:55] Dressing Up Truth[04:35] The Absolute Truth[06:57] The Only Truth: Unified Field of Consciousness[08:44] Trotaka's Story[11:10] Temporal Nature of Truth[13:15] Absolute Truth Without Cruel Truth[15:41] Embrace Sweet Truth With MeditationUseful

  • Mind, Intellect, Ego

    19/05/2024 Duración: 29min

    What’s the distinction between mind, intellect and ego? And what are their functions? Unlike many modern psychological approaches, the Vedic worldview honors and celebrates the role of all three. While they may not always function perfectly – like the 'mistaken intellect' often discussed by Thom – each of these elements plays a specific and essential role in our evolution.Thom explains in this episode, that rather than putting our efforts into “getting rid of the ego,” we’re best served by enlisting our ego as a cooperative component in our quest for enlightenment. Ironically, it’s allowing the ego to transcend itself, that gives it the ability to truly know its ultimate, unchanging essence.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Vedic Psychology on Mind, Intellect, and Ego[02:32] Manas[03:53] What Remains Unchanged Within Us?[05:21] Mind Stays the Same[06:39] Two Elements of Manas[07:49] Buddhi[08:54] Ego in Western Psychology[11:47] Vedic Ego (Ahaṃkar)[13:32] Intellect's Role in Ego Formation[14:41] The Ego Structure[1

  • My Maharishi - A Paragon of Abundance and Self-Sufficiency

    12/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    When most people think of abundance or self-sufficiency, they think of cash and assets, having the wealth to do what they want when they want it. In fact, for many people, it’s a driving goal to become “financially independent” so as to have more choices in their lives.Maharishi Mahesh Yogi took an alternative approach, demonstrating that true freedom and true abundance actually require us to surrender our sense of choice and to simply follow the call of Nature.Through this approach, he was able to accomplish more in half a lifetime, than most of us would accomplish many lifetimes over, all while remaining ”penniless” himself. Thom shares some real-life examples from his experiences with Maharishi in this episode, giving us a taste of the true meaning of wealth.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Five Blind Men and an Elephant[03:11] Different Perceptions of Maharishi[04:31] Maharishi's Simple Possessions[08:34] Wooden Sandals and Shahtoosh[10:19] Traveling the World Without a Penny[12:08] Maharishi's Persuasive Consc

  • Intervention, Evolution, Contribution, Equilibrium

    05/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    We’re celebrating episode 200 of The Vedic Worldview by featuring more questions from listeners and answers from Thom. The questions cover a variety of topics…To what extent should we intervene when we see someone potentially harming others, especially young children?Will enlightenment for all mean an end to humanity?How do we meet the demands of the moment?How can we counteract toxic masculinity?It’s a mixed bag, with each question and each answer having relevance to us all, Enjoy…Episode Highlights:[00:45] Q - How to Deal with Loved Ones Causing Suffering?[01:18] A - Become an Inspiration[02:57] Silence for Wise Influence[04:44] Align Knowledge with Inquiry Levels[06:40] Responsible Intervention in Egregious Situations[08:27] Foster Inspiration for Societal Change[09:27] Q - Will Enlightenment for All End Humanity?[10:08] A - The Cycle of Evolution and Reincarnation[11:51] Impact of Human Enlightenment on Reincarnation Patterns[13:26] Q - How to Discover My Purpose and Contribution?[14:06] A - Spontaneous R

  • Vedanta - The Final Conclusion

    28/04/2024 Duración: 19min

    Modern science and ancient Vedic wisdom often take different routes to reach the same destination.Many of the concepts of Ayurveda, for example, have been known and understood for millennia, yet modern science is only just now catching up with some of these principles, and explaining them from the scientific point of view. Perhaps the most profound slice of Vedic wisdom, Vedanta, is another frontier that modern science, quantum physics specifically, has only recently crossed.There is only one thing. This has been the final conclusion of The Veda, Vedanta, for well over 5,000 years, and now quantum physics has come to the same conclusion.Thom explains Vedanta, and its correlation with quantum physics, in this episode, and shares the technique we can all use to not just understand Vedanta at a theoretical level, but to embody it at an experiential level.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Meaning of Vedanta[02:57] Physics and Vedanta[04:50] "You Are It"[06:56] You Are the Unified Field[09:02] The World Embodies Vedanta

  • I Had an Awakening Experience. Now What?

    21/04/2024 Duración: 29min

    There’s no end to the number of ways we can have awakening experiences. It can come as an epiphany, a realization, a side-effect of taking a hallucinogen, a near-death experience, or even just a spontaneous event while sipping a cup of tea.While reports on such experiences vary dramatically, they consistently feature a high level of contrast between these normal and our regular day-to-day experiences, and a longing to have more of the same.Thom explains the mechanics of such events in this episode, and how we can cultivate awakening experiences on a more consistent basis. Importantly, he describes awakenings as the enlivening of something that is dormant within us, making such experiences more accessible than most might think.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Realizations[02:35] Bija Mantra: Gateway to Transcendence[04:25] Awakening the Unified Field[06:39] Breaking Free from the Web of Constant Thought[08:23] Bliss is the Product of Supreme Inner Contentedness[10:19] Stabilizing the Inner Awakening[12:06] Transient

  • Minimizing Violence Through Ahiṃsa

    14/04/2024 Duración: 31min

    Ahiṃsa is a term made famous outside India, in large part, as a result of Mahatma Gandhi's ‘non-violent’ approach to securing independence for India.It’s often thought of as pacifism, rejecting violence altogether. For some, that means non-violence towards fellow humans, and for others, it means non-violence towards all living beings.As is often the case, this common understanding of Ahiṃsa is incomplete. Thom explains the meaning of Ahiṃsa in this episode and clarifies the role of Ahiṃsa in our personal evolutionary process.Episode Highlights[00:45] Yoga – A Place Inside of Us[02:48] Ashtanga, Samadhi, and Ahiṃsa[05:16] Misinterpretation of Ahiṃsa[06:54] Story of Meditation and Ahiṃsa[08:37] Ahiṃsa in Practice[10:26] The Reality of Ahiṃsa[12:06] Inevitability of Hiṃsa in Life[13:56] Pure Ahiṃsa Can Never Be Achieved by Human[16:01] Yoga and Ahiṃsa[17:57] Vedic Worldview on Veganism[19:28] Gandhi's Non-Violent Approach to Indian Independence[21:17] Influence of Vedic Philosophy on Gandhi[24:04] Ahiṃsa in Warf

  • How to Inspire Worthy Enquiry

    07/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    Wisdom is of little use unless it’s shared, however it can go to waste if it’s shared where it isn’t wanted. It can even have a damaging effect if it’s shared where it’s unwelcome.So when you have wisdom that you know would be valuable, knowledge about Vedic Meditation for example, how can you inspire others to receive that wisdom willingly?Thom frequently talks about “worthy enquiry” on the podcast, and in this episode he dives more deeply into the subject. He explains the concept of worthy enquiry and it’s origin, which is deeply embedded in Vedic history. He also explains how we can inspire worthy enquiry, and provides reassurance that even if we don’t, we’re in good company… Episode Highlights:[00:45] Wise Do Not Bewilder the Ignorant[02:27] Loving Controllers[04:32] Wise and Trusted Counselor[06:15] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - The Ultimate Inspirer[08:06] Subtle Ridicule[10:13] Not an Absolute Sure Shot[11:31] An Incident on an International Border[13:17] Mangoes Don't Come from Walnut Trees[14:55] Knowers o

  • The Symbology of the Shiva Lingam

    31/03/2024 Duración: 30min

    One of the mistakes often made by those outside of India is to look at Vedic symbology in superficial terms.The Shiva Lingam is one such symbol. Frequently viewed as a representation of male and female genitalia, it actually has a much deeper and richer significance than this.Thom gives us an entry-level look at the subject in this episode, correcting the misuse of the term Shiva Lingam, and clarifying its symbolism. Episode Highlights:[00:45] A Sacred Form[02:40] Shakti: The Fabric of Creation[04:31] Yoni[06:44] Parashakti and Parashiva[08:57] Union of Yoni and Lingam[11:01] Masculine and Feminine in Vedic Perspective[12:34] Ardhanarishvara: Fusion of Masculine and Feminine[15:12] Interplay of Masculine and Feminine Energies[16:59] Omnisexuality[18:59] Shiva and God Consciousness[20:42] Consciousness Through Different States[22:22] From Transcendental to Cosmic Consciousness[24:11] Five Facets of Supreme Being[26:20] Shiva - The Supreme Being[27:52] Every Being is a Manifestation of Mother DivineUseful Links

  • Devas 101

    24/03/2024 Duración: 47min

    All of us are used to perceiving the world around us in terms of varying objective characteristics; hard and soft, hot and cold, solid and fluid, and so on.We might even attribute subjective qualities to the world around us; hostile, inviting, harsh, comfortable…But does it make sense to attribute ‘personality’ to the world around us?In the Vedic worldview, it doesn’t just “make” sense, but it’s actually a natural consequence of the refinement of the senses that we can perceive personality in everything around us. In this episode, Thom gives us an entry-level look into the worlds of Devas. He shares a tempting glimpse into the delights that await us, especially those who maintain their regular twice-daily practice of Vedic Meditation. Episode Highlights[00:45] Deva: More Than Just Shining One[04:17] Vedic Literature and the Devas[06:35] Power of Mantras[08:55] Letting Go of External Distractions[10:38] Fascination of Subtle Mind States[12:15] Enchantment in the Super-Subtle Mind[13:57] Ritam: Transition to Pu

  • AI, Sacred Cows, Exceptional Children

    17/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    It’s another Q&A episode with Thom, answering questions with a common thread of consciousness running through them.He starts off by tackling the question of consciousness and AI, before exploring the consciousness of cows, and bulls for that matter, and what it is about their consciousness that makes them sacred (Hint:evolution is the only thing that’s ever happening).And he also helps a mother navigate the responsibility of supporting a child whose consciousness gives him levels of perception beyond the ordinary.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Q - Does AI Have the Potential to Experience Consciousness?[00:54] Consciousness Is the Foundation of Everything[02:38] AI Is Already Conscious[05:47] The Repertoire of AI[07:05] Q - Why is the cow sacred in the Vedic Worldview?[07:11] A - Cows Everywhere in India[09:06] The Legal Sacredness of Cows[10:28] A Very Simple Thing[12:24] Fond of Dairy[13:27] Q - How to Support a Sensitive Toddler?[14:16] A - Wise Do Not Bewilder Ignorant[16:11] Honor and Validate Your Child'

  • How Do I Alleviate the Suffering of Others?

    10/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    The desire to help others is baked into human DNA, and the sight of someone suffering often triggers a need to take action.This is one of the reasons our species has been able to thrive.Often, however, our attempts to alleviate the suffering of others don’t succeed, not necessarily because of lack of effort or misguided intentions. It’s because there’s another dynamic at play that can thwart our efforts.In this episode, Thom reminds us that the desire to be helped doesn’t come as naturally as the desire to offer help, and that the greatest help we can sometimes give, is to not give help at all.Episode Highlights:[00:45] The Natural Desire to Alleviate the Suffering of Others[02:23] Harmonizing Inner Alignment with External Responses to Change[04:03] Unsought Advice[05:43] How to Help Someone Who Is Suffering[07:27] Perceiving Cues[09:02] The Role of Humility in Seeking HelpUseful

  • The Fruits of Action

    04/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Desire is one of the most misunderstood facets across all Wisdom traditions. Teachers often teach, and readers often misinterpret, some of the writings of the texts, both from Veda as well as other ancient wisdom cultures, as meaning that desire is bad, or that the key to enlightenment is to eliminate our desires.One such example of this misunderstanding is the Vedic epic Bhagavad Gita, specifically Chapter 2, Verse 47, in which Krishna tells Arjuna, “Live not for the fruits of action.”The misinterpretation of this text leads many to think that desire itself is the cause of suffering, and thus attempt to suppress or ignore desires in the hope of avoiding suffering.Thom sets the record straight in this episode, clarifying the purpose of desire, and giving us a technique whereby we can ensure that our desires are not just aligned with Nature, but serve to meet the need of the time.Episode Highlights[00:45] What’s the Point of Taking Action?[00:55] Bhagavad Gita and the Mahabharata[03:12] Arjuna and Krishna: The

  • Why the Long Hair?

    26/02/2024 Duración: 27min

    While most of us think of hair in terms of current fashion trends and style ourselves accordingly, (or not!), most long-lasting schools of thought still have customs related to hair based on traditions that have lasted millenia.The Vedic worldview is no different, and in fact, many of the traditions related to the hair can be traced back to Vedic origins.In this episode, Thom explains that hair has a very subtle yet specific function, beyond just keeping the head or the body warm, that dictates a style of relating to the world, or even retreating from the world.While it may not affect how you manage your own hair, it will give insights into the ways in which many masters, monks, sadhus and other teachers manage theirs.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Hair as a Conduit[02:06] One Set of Tubes After Another[04:12] A Larger Information Base[06:11] Signaling the Phase of Life[08:15] Hair that Grows Unfettered[10:21] Three Kinds of Characters[11:58] What's Cooking in the Outside World?[13:36] Please Tell Me All About Ev

  • My Maharishi - Humor Incarnate

    19/02/2024 Duración: 21min

    Spiritual leaders are often perceived as being stern and serious, in some cases even humorless. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, while he could be serious when needed, was famous for his smile, his laugh, and his sense of humor in general.In this episode, Thom shares some anecdotes from his 26-plus years of being with Maharishi, where Maharishi put his sense of humor on display. Some of these were public displays, while others were from behind the scenes; all of the stories reflect Maharishi’s famous quote, “We have an infinite number of reasons to be happy, and a serious responsibility not be serious.”Episode Highlights:[00:45] Maharishi's Humor[02:36] Maharishi's Way of Answering Serious Questions[04:59] The Million-Pound Reply[06:09] A Lover of Analogies[07:29] The Complaint About Meditation[09:12] Fifty Dollar Bet on Effortless Mantra[11:17] Think Mantra Without Effort[11:59] "I Am an Imposter."[13:35] Journalist Wanted to Expose Maharishi[15:15] "I'm Here to Find and Report Facts."[16:39] Laughter-Filled Meeting W

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