Calvary Chapel Richmond Sermons



Calvary Chapel Richmond sermons


  • God's Heart for the One and for the World


    Pastor Tim continues in Acts Chapter 8 in a message & study titled: God's Heart for the One and for the World -- the story of the Ethiopian eunuch. God indeed sent His Son for the whole world, but He sees and calls out to each individual soul...

  • The Mercy of God & His Grace Bestowed


    Pastor Trevor shares a message & study titled: The Mercy of God & His Grace Bestowed. It can be difficult to see things for how they really are and even harder at times, to see God’s mercy & grace. Join us as we read through God’s Word and...

  • The Lord Who Restores -- His Gracious Protection and Restoration


    Pastor Tim continues in Joel Chapter 2 in a message & study titled: The Lord Who Restores -- His Gracious Protection and Restoration. Ancient Israel during the time of Joel had been devastated by a plague of devouring locusts but if they turned...

  • The Evident Work of the Holy Spirit


    Pastor Tim continues in Acts Chapter 8 in a message & study titled: The Evident Work of the Holy Spirit. When a soul is saved and made new in Christ there is the sealing work of the Holy Spirit. Yet there is also the abundant overflow of the...

  • The Church Scattered and Sent Out


    It's the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and Pastor Tim resumes our study in the Book of Acts with a message titled: The Church Scattered and Sent Out. When Stephen was martyred for the faith, the church was attacked and...

  • What in the World (and in Israel) is Going On?


    Pastor Tim shares a special message from Matthew Chapters 24-25 and the Olivet Discourse of Jesus titled: What in the World (and in Israel) is Going On? With the recent attacks in Israel and the rising tensions in the Middle East and other parts of...

  • A Determined Rejection and A Heavenly Reward


    Pastor Tim continues in our Acts Series in a message & study from Chapter 7 titled: A Determined Rejection and A Heavenly Reward -- The Mighty Message of Stephen. As Stepehen preached from Abraham to Jesus, his audience was enraged and resistant...

  • The Day of the Lord and A Plea to Return to Him


    Pastor Tim continues in our new series from the Book of Joel in a message & study titled: The Day of the Lord and A Plea to Return to Him. The prophet Joel foresaw a coming judgment and Day of the Lord that had both a near-term and end times...

  • A Retracing of God's Redemptive Plan


    Pastor Tim resumes our Acts Series from chapters 6 and 7 in a message & study titled: A Retracing of God's Redemptive Plan -- The Mighty Message of Stephen. As one of the 7 Deacons that God raised up through the Apostles, Stephen was a man...

  • A Devouring Judgment and A Sacred Call


    Pastor Tim begins a brand-new and timely midweek series in the Book of Joel with message & study from Chapter 1 titled: A Devouring Judgment and A Sacred Call. Ancient Israel had just experienced a highly unusual and devastating plague that God...

  • Heavenly Minded on an Earthly Mission


    Pastor Tim takes a one-week break from the Book Acts to share a timely and special message from II Corinthians Chapter 5 titled: Heavenly Minded on an Earthly Mission. For those in Jesus Christ, we have the promise of eternal life and an eternal home...

  • Faithful Living in Faltering Times - Pastor Ritch Boerckel


    Guest speaker, Pastor Ritch Boerckel, shares a message from II Kings Chapter 2 titled: Faithful Living in Faltering Times. God raised up servants of the Lord in ancient Israel that stood for Him in the midst of spiritual decay; and He is still raising...

  • The Ministry Model for the Spirit Led Church


    Pastor Tim opens Acts Chapter 6 in a message & study titled: The Ministry Model for the Spirit Led Church. The Apostles saw that the growing number of disciples required other Spirit filled leaders to be raised up, while prioritizing their own...

  • The Punctuation and Perfecting of Praise


    Pastor Tim finishes up our Psalms Series from Chapters 146-150 in a message & study titled: The Punctuation and Perfecting of Praise. The Lord commands us to praise, He is worthy of our praise, and will perfect and empower us as we live in praise...

  • Obey God No Matter What


    Pastor Tim wraps up Acts Chapter 5 in a message & study titled: Obey God No Matter What. The Apostles had been given the command to teach, to preach, and to testify of the death and risen life of Jesus until He returned or called them home. The...

  • Purity Produces Power


    Pastor Tim continues in Acts Chapter 5 in a message & study titled: Purity Produces Power. After the sudden death of Ananias and Sapphira, the fear of the Lord fell upon the early church and a purifying work of the Spirit resulted in another...

  • There MUST Be a Fear of The Lord


    Pastor Tim picks up in Acts Chapter 5 in a message & study titled: There MUST Be a Fear of The Lord -- The Tragic Lesson of Ananias and Sapphira. The fear and reverence of the Lord is both a blessing and a protection; to lose that needed fear of...

  • What is Your Almost?


    Pastor Tim is back and sharing an end-of-August message & study from Psalm 73 titled: What is Your Almost? In the "almost" situations and scenarios of life, we have an adversary that attempts to derail us but praise God we have an...

  • Hearing God’s Voice & Discerning God’s Will - Mark Siena


    Our own Mark Siena (Retired, Pastor Calvary Chapel Niagara Frontier) shares a message & study titled: “Hearing God’s Voice & Discerning God’s Will” out of the book of Judges. You won’t want to miss this message. We must all hear His voice and...

  • The Battle of the Mind - Pastor Tito


    our good friend Pastor Tito (Pastor @ Coastal Church) shares a message & study titled: The Battle of the Mind. We’ll be reading out of the book of Colossians 3:1-10. You will not want to miss this powerful message! We must all set our eyes and...

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