The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

713: You'll Never Guess What Salary They Gave Up To Launch Their Startup



Ryan Hungate. He’s the co-founder of Simplifeye, it’s the number one technology experience for healthcare providers, patients and their businesses. The company’s platform of software solution health care providers improve productivity, efficiency and profitability. Ryan is an orthodontist and previous Apple retail strategist and Zach is a previous founder and Wall Street alum with a background in Tech MNA. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – The Lean Startup (Zach) What CEO do you follow? – N/A Favorite online tool? — Calendly How many hours of sleep do you get?— 5 (Zach) 3 (Ryan) If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? – “How difficult business can actually be”   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:11 – Nathan introduces Ryan and Zach to the show 01:54 – Ryan’s dad was a doctor 03:00 – Simplifeye tries to make doctors’ lives easier 03:28 – Simplifeye provides the patients’ information before they walk in during checkups 04:03 – Ryan and Zach are VC buddies 04:07 – They’ve raised money