The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 516: SalesHacker $2.5m 2015 Revenue Helping Sales Reps Get Smarter with CEO Max Altshculer



Max Altschuler, CEO of Sales Hacker – a rapidly growing media company focused on the future of B2B sales. Max wrote the book Hacking Sales: The Playbook for Building a High Velocity Sales Machine which was recently published by Wiley. Aside from sales hack and angel investors, Max advises startups all around the globe. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – The 48 Laws of Power What CEO do you follow? – N/A Favorite online tool? — Boomerang Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— No If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? – Max wished he could have studied Psychology a bit more   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:40 – Nathan introduces Max to the show 02:07 – Sales Hacker is a media company ushering the future of sales 02:35 – Sales Hacker does crowdsourcing of content on their blog and holds conferences throughout the year 03:12 – The conferences are Sales Hacker’s main revenue stream 03:20 – Sales Hacker’s last conference was in June 2016 04:09 – The sponsored revenue for the last confer