The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 438: Dancing His Way to $100k+ Business with Instagram Genius, Dancing Wizard Zach Benson



Zach Benson, an award-winning dancer who travels around the world running instructional clinics. He's been featured as a Round 4 finalists on FOX TV’s “So You Think You Can Dance,” and he’s also the founder and CEO of Famous Five: Favorite Book? – The Slide Edge What CEO do you follow? – Jeff Olson Favorite online tool? — Slack Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— “Usually 7 and a half” If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? – “I wish I knew everything then that I know now”   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:40 – Nathan introduces Zach to the show 02:13 – How the dance clinic works 02:20 – Place, schedule, and class pricing 03:06 – Total revenue of the dance clinic in 2015 03:35 – Zach talks about how he partners with dance studios 04:25 – CTA 05:14 – Number of students per class 05:53 – 06:07 – Team in the Philippines 06:27 – Hashtag optimization 06:58 – How to find hashtags to use 07:14 – There’s no database 07:40 – Follow/unfollow proces