The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 427: $1m+ Agency to Launch SaaS Product with CEO Keith Perhac



Keith Perhac onto The Top. Keith is a marketing expert, developer, and designer. His goal is to take complex things and make them simple, understandable, and actionable for business owners. Today he is the CEO of SegMetrics and DelfiNet, technical marketing agencies that help companies create highly optimized sales funnels. Famous Five:   Favorite Book? – Work the System What CEO do you follow? – N/A Favorite online tool? — HarvestApp Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— Yes If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? – “It’s not as scary as jumping off and leaving the company that you’ve been working on for 6 years to start on your own.”   Time Stamped Show Notes: 02:13 – Focus: DelfiNet or SegMetrics 03:02 – Founding day of SegMetrics and first revenue 04:20 – How SegMetrics is built 04:50 – Focused on building the greatest product 05:48 – Margins are better in SaaS 06:19 – Average sales per customer per month 07:10 – August Revenue 09:40 – 50% gross margins 10:15 – Biggest le