The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 424: SaaS Teckst Passes 65 Enterprise Customers, $2.5M Raised with CEO Matt Tumbleson



Matt Tumbleson is the founder and CEO of Teckst – a New York based startup that's transforming customer service by directly connecting consumers with businesses via 2-way text messaging. His own frustrations with lengthy hold times and incompetent customer service representatives are why he decided to launch Teckst. Prior to jumping into entrepreneurship, Matt worked as the Creative and Marketing director of Seamless (now Grubhub), and worked as a graphics journalist at The Miami Herald. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – Delivering Happiness What CEO do you follow? – Marc Benioff Favorite online tool? — WorkFlowy Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— Yes If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? – “Stick to one thing long enough to see it through”   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:37 – Nathan introduces Matt to the show 02:31 – What Matt does and how they make money 03:09 – Selling ROI 03:15 – Created software in a house in NY 03:33 – They have monthly subscription plan 03:50 – Current