The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 417 SPECIAL: Warner Interviews Latka: Con Artist or Brilliant Genius?



Sweeney Daniel, a partner at Hustle and Grow and Click Bank University. He launched his first company in high school which lead him to working full time in digital marketing. He decided to leave the corporate grind and is now focused on helping others create their digital business while maintaining a fun lifestyle. Famous Five:   Favorite Book? – Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday What CEO do you follow? – James Schramko Favorite online tool? — Clickfunnels and Drip Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— Most of the time 7 and a half If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? – Spend money and invest in assets   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:34 – Nathan introduces Sweeney 02:04 – What Hustle and Grow is and how it generates revenue 02:11 – Marketing list, promoting digital products, and an agency 02:20 – Selling marketing and affiliate products and working closely with ecommerce partners 02:28 – Founded in 2016 02:38 – Hustle and Grow’s website 02:53 – 2016’s revenue will be close to $1