The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 333: How Did He Make $15 Million from Managing Ads in 2015?



Warren Jolly, the CEO of Ad Quadrant, a social marketing agency that made $4 million in revenue in its first year. Warren’s an expert in leveraging social media and mobile marketing. Listen in to hear why you need to plan obsessively before you launch a business, why focus is the key to success, and how Warren aspires to scale massively...without becoming a SaaS business.   Famous 5:   Favorite Book? – Good to Great What CEO do you follow? — Gary Vaynerchuk Favorite online tool? — Slack Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— Yes If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? — Focus on one business; be great at one thing at a time   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:27 – Nathan’s introduction 01:49 – Welcoming Warren to the show 01:56 – Ad Quadrant was founded in 2014 02:05 – It’s a managed services agency 02:35 – Ad Quadrant works in the social marketing niche, including social media and mobile advertising 03:12 – They make money by charging a percentage of the ad spend that they manage - if