The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

He's Sold The Most CutCo Knives Ever, EP 308: John Ruhlin



John Ruhlin, the #1 distributor for Cutco and founder of the Ruhlin Group. John’s an expert on high-level gift giving, and accessing CEOs and top executives. Tune in to hear about why gratitude is so important, how to make your relationships work for you, and the secrets of effective gifting. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – Give and Take What CEO do you follow? — Gary Vaynerchuk Favourite online tool? —Hatchbuck Do you get 8 hours of sleep?—No If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—I wish I understood that I didn’t have to do it all on my own Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:10 – Nathan’s introduction 01:30 – Welcoming John to the show 01:56 – Interned with CutCo and created their corporate gifting program 03:00 – Made around $10k over a summer aged 20 03:50 – Sold about $35-40k in his first summer 04:25 – Sold over $500k in his best year with CutCo 05:20 – “We help leaders not suck at saying Thank You” 05:50 – John speaks, writes, and coaches on corporate generosity and gratitude 0