The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

South Asian Dating App Hits Surprising Revenue Target, EP 307: KJ Singh



KJ Singh left $300k a year as an options trader at Wall St to move to Silicon Valley. After leading growth at Union Metrics, KJ’s founded Dil Mil - the world’s fastest-growing dating app for South Asians. Tune in to hear why some of the country’s richest people are unhappy; how KJ’s growing his business with no paid advertising; and what the future looks like for Dil Mil. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – Zero to One What CEO do you follow? — Naval Ravikant Favourite online tool? —Slack Do you get 8 hours of sleep?—Yes If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—Don’t work on multiple projects at the same time Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:10 – Nathan’s introduction 01:40 – Welcoming KJ to the show 02:16 – “I think some of the top traders at different firms are miserable with their life” 03:00 – “I think a lot of the hard work in the startup world is meaningful work” 03:22 – KJ left finance aged 24, earning $300k per year 03:58 – He joined Union Metrics because he was attracted to the i