The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 316: He's The Secret Financial Consultant to Silicon Valleys Wealthiest



John Bowen - the man who gives financial advice to financial advisors. John’s an expert in the financial world. After founding six multi-million dollar businesses, John moved on to coaching the world’s top financial advisers on ways to better serve their clients. Tune in to hear John’s advice for Nathan on investment, why entrepreneurship is the best way to make millions, and why you need to be playing the long game. Famous 5: Favorite Book? – Bold What CEO do you follow? — David Booth What is your favorite online tool? — SaneBox Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— No If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? —That I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:30 – Nathan’s introduction 02:00 – Welcoming John to the show 02:08 – Key firm is CEG Worldwide 02:55 – Created a firm to do research on the best practice of top financial advisers 04:12 – CEG coaches financial advisors. One product is a year-long coaching program that costs $2000 per month. 05:05 – There’s a