The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

He Hustled in His Attic for 5 Years Before Hitting $1m, Now Over $4.8m Annually with Robert Moore of RJ Metrics EP 233



Robert Moore, CEO of RJMetrics, a Business Intelligence organization that specializes in helping small businesses obtain the data they need to thrive. Listen as Nathan and Robert talk fundraising, life in venture capital, and what it takes to grow a business from $0 to $4M is less than 5 years. Famous 5Favorite Book? –Winners DreamWhat CEO do you follow?—N/AWhat is your favorite online tool?—SlackDo you get 8 hours of sleep?—NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—Everything is going to be OK.Time Stamped Show Notes:01:20 – Nathan’s introduction 01:41 – Welcoming Robert to the show01:50 – A history rooted in Online Poker04:35 – Getting in on Google AdWords early05:12 – 2004-2006 almost $100K in revenue06:21 – RJMetrics coming to be08:12 – Worked at a VC firm after college09:41 – 100-200 touches to get 1 or 2 conversations12:15 – Thus far, RJMetrics has raised $22M13:10 – Being on the sales side of money sucks14:20 – Average revenue per client per year15:11 – User acquisition