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Cirrus Insight Is Doing $640k in MRR (Dec 2015) With Much Bigger Plans EP 226



Brandon Bruce is the co-founder and CEO of Cirrus Insight, a plug-in app for Gmail and Outlook that tracks emails, schedules meetings, and updates sales figures automatically. Listen as Brandon takes The Top audience into the intricacies of his business, and shares how he “worked-backwards” from the perspective of the end-user to build a winning brand. Famous 5Favorite Book? – Good Strategy, Bad StrategyWhat CEO do you follow?— N/AWhat is your favorite online tool?— Assistant.toDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?— Start a company as soon as possible Time Stamped Show Notes:01:00 – Nathan’s introduction01:33 – Nathan welcomes Brandon01:57 – Cirrus Insight’s revenues for 2015 - $6.5M ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)02:28 – What Cirrus Insight does02:57 – It was really built for ourselves – we found ourselves constantly switching between Gmail and Salesforce 03:55 – The secret of ranking so well in the Salesforce app exchange? Positioning and des