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$700k Raised For App That Connects Brands to High School Athletes With Brian Verne of Phantom EP 210



Brian Verne, CEO of Phenom, former college baseball player, and native of Cleveland, Ohio. Listen as Nathan and Brian chat about life as a college athlete, and why big time athletic brands are starting to sponsor high school athletes when they once only cared about the pros. Famous 5Favorite Book? – The Art of FeelingWhat CEO do you follow?— N/AWhat is your favorite online tool?— SlackDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—Understand how difficult it is to build a business. Time Stamped Show Notes:01:17 – Nathan’s introduction 01:35 – Welcoming Brian to the show01:45 – What Phenom is03:35 – How Phenom makes money04:01 – Phenom gives young athletes the ability to connect with large brands04:38 – Currently connected with Wilson05:18 – The payment model between Phenom and Wilson06:04 – Currently have 60K users 06:50 – defining an “active” user08:49 – There’s a massive psychological connection between gear and performance11:15 – Brian talks about s