The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

How Moms Can Quit Corporate For Their Own Startup with Liz Picarazzi of



Episode 146 Liz Picarazzi personifies her company’s target customer. She’s spent the last decade juggling a corporate job, motherhood, and marriage, barely having enough time to maintain and improve her family’s biggest investment – their home. Inspired by a book that reminded her how much she loved shop class in middle school, Liz took a leap of faith and started Checklist Homes Services in 2011. YOUR $100: Remember to subscribe to the show on itunes then text the word "nathan" to 33444 to confirm that you've done it to enter to win $100 every Monday on the show. Do this now. Stop reading this and do it! Click here to join the top tribe and instantly learn how Nathan made his first $10k at 19 years old: 3 Key Points: Running a handyman service has a lot of hidden costs like licensing, insurance, and worker’s compensation. Juggling a corporate job, motherhood, and marriage is hard, but doable. It’s important to explore what makes you happy and to have a good understan