The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

The Trick to Finally Write Your First Book And Sell 15,000 Copies with Bryan Kramer



Ep 126 with Bryan Kramer, one of the world’s foremost leaders in the art and science of sharing, and has been credited with instigating the #H2H human business movement in marketing and social.  With over 300,000 social fans and followers, and an intimate understanding of the intricacies and interworking of both social technologies and social behaviors, Bryan is both a practitioner and authority on the subject.  In January 2014, Bryan’s first book There is no B2B and B2C. Human to Human: #H2H rose to the #1 top selling spot in Business Books on Amazon in its first week. In January 2015, #H2H was named as the number 1 buzzword for 2015 by The Writer. Click here to join the top tribe and instantly learn how Nathan made his first $10k at 19 years old: 3 Key Points: Self-publishing is effective for new authors. Strike while an idea is hot. Retain ownership of content. Episode Notes:  00:57 – Nathan’s introduction to today’s show 01:28 – Bryan’s recent book Shareology has