Living Change I Ching Podcast



Readings, insights and understanding from the I Ching, the oracle of Change


  • Step by step


    Episode 44 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast is about an artist getting started with showing her art, one step at a time - Hexagram 46, Pushing Upward, changing to the Repeating Chasms of Hexagram 29, which made their presence felt as an emotional background. changing to I hope you enjoy this one! (There's a last-minute update right at the end.) If you'd like to discuss a reading of your own on the podcast, you can book a slot here.

  • What to expect in a relationship

    09/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    A new listener's reading for this podcast episode: 'What to expect in this relationship?' And Yi's answer - changing to Hexagram 41, Decreasing, changing to 26, Great Tending (or Taming or Nurturing...), with changing line 3: 'Three people walking,Hence decreased by one person.One person walking,Hence gains a friend.' Hexagram 41, line 3 Who are the people walking, and what could this be about? (If you'd like some more listening/reading, here's an earlier episode that also started with Hexagram 41, and here's a post about how mountain works as outer trigram.)

  • Creating peace through music

    11/04/2024 Duración: 34min

    Question: "What advice can be offered for more effectively providing meditative peace and healing through playing Shakuhachi flute music?" Answer: Great Vigour in Flow. changing to A Yeeky thing I mentioned during this reading: the idea of a dabagua, or 'big trigram' hexagram. If you take the trigram dui, lake... ...and double each of its lines individually, in turn - from yang, yang, yin to yang+yang, yang+yang, yin+yin - then you have Hexagram 34: In each hexagram formed this way - I mentioned this once before when I was writing about Hexagram 33 - it can help to think of it as a 'giant trigram' - and a giant lake seemed especially apt for a musician. You can find Ron's music at

  • A tied-up bag

    14/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    Question: 'What do I need to know as I prepare to finish this book and send it out into the world?' Answer: Hexagram 2, Earth, changing at lines 4 and 6 to 35, Advancing: changing to As Kat and I discussed this one in this latest podcast episode, we mentioned... The glorious Hyperbole and a Half 35 as relating hexagram Why dragons fight in Hexagram 2 line 6 ...and also the ancient form of a couple of words from the text: shi, 'power', as in the Image of Hexagram 2 - 'Power of the land: Earth.A noble one, with generous character, carries all the beings.' - has two components: 'strength', and this one, which is purely phonetic, showing a human figure about to plant a seedling: From Chinese etymology And then we also talked about yu, 'praise' - you can see early forms of that one here. Enjoy the episode! (And if you'd like to share a reading of your own on a future episode, you can book a reading here.)

  • A new source of income

    08/02/2024 Duración: 36min

    This episode of the podcast could also be entitled 'light dawns in the end,' as it took a while for me to join all the dots between the querent's situation and the reading. It's a great example of how Yi talks to the whole person, though, as well as answering the question. Mukul asked, 'What would be a good next step towards getting a new source of regular income?' and Yi answered with Hexagram 13, People in Harmony, changing at line 5 to Hexagram 30, Clarity: changing to

  • Manifesting desires?

    11/01/2024 Duración: 35min

    The listener's reading for this episode has an unusual premise: Beebee was trying to work out why what she was trying to manifest in her life wasn't happening. Where was the block? She asked, "What actions are needed from me in order to achieve my desires?" And Yi responded with Hexagram 29, the Repeating Chasms, changing at lines 2, 3 and 6 to 53, Gradual Progress: changing to Not an easy one to hear...

  • Finding fulfillment

    14/12/2023 Duración: 29min

    A new podcast reading: how to find more fulfillment in life? Not (in this reading) by doing stuff - more by feeling your way deeply into experience. The answer was Hexagram 57, changing at lines 2 and 3 to 20, Seeing: changing to I quoted from LiSe Heyboer's page on Hexagram 57 during this one (because I love it). You can read the whole thing here.

  • Creating a business?

    09/11/2023 Duración: 33min

    Episode 37 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast features a listener's reading. She's wondering whether her desire to create a business is her real path, or whether she could be losing herself. Her reading - Hexagram 48, the Well, changing at line 3 to 29, Repeating Chasms: changing to During our chat, I mentioned a previous episode where we discussed Hexagram 29 without changing lines. If you'd like to share a reading of your own on a future episode, you're very welcome to click here and book your reading. It's free, and you don't have to use your real name.

  • An unexpected reading

    12/10/2023 Duración: 25min

    Episode 36 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast - a reading of my own, received in a way that might be new to you. I was asking for guidance in a new situation, and the response was Hexagram 27, Nourishing, changing to 54, the Marrying Maiden. (The completely positive experience I had as 'marrying maiden' was somewhat unexpected, too.) changing to

  • Finding spiritual direction

    14/09/2023 Duración: 39min

    A podcast reading with two radically contrasting hexagrams: 23, Stripping Away, changing to 42, Increasing: changing to Maria's question: 'How should I lead my spiritual life to know the truth?' In this reading, she and Yi trace a path through what seems like an impossible situation. Links I mention in this episode: the Yijing Foundations Class (if you're interested, and not already on the notification list, please put your name down!) the booking page for podcast chats (remember these are free - and you don't have to give your real name)

  • ‘What kind of person am I becoming?’

    10/08/2023 Duración: 45min

    Adeola shared a remarkable question and reading for this episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast: "How is this travelling life shaping my character? (what kind of person am I becoming?)" Yi's response: Hexagram 14, Great Possession, changing to 53, Gradual Progress: changing to I hope you enjoy this one! Things we mention... Wild Geese by Mary Oliver WikiWing, the I Ching Community's collaborative, experience-based I Ching ...and trees, as they help to explain the reading. Here are some I met in May:

  • An enthusiastic transition

    13/07/2023 Duración: 42min

    Episode 33 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast features a listener's reading about moving to a new country. How best to make a positive transition to this new place, wherever it may be? The Oracle answered with Hexagram 16, Enthusiasm, changing at line 2 to Hexagram 40, Release: changing to This is actually the same reading we had in a previous episode last December, when I asked about the characteristics of a good question. I'm hoping it will still be interesting to see how different aspects of the reading are highlighted in response to this different question. The second reading, which we run through very quickly at the end, is Hexagram 22, Beauty, with lines 1, 2 and 3 changing to 4, Not Knowing - changing to During this episode I mentioned the Connecting With Imagery course that's part of the Change Circle Library. You can read more about Change Circle here.

  • Where to go?

    08/06/2023 Duración: 37min

    'Where to go?' was Lilian's reading for this episode of the podcast; Yi answered with Hexagram 47, Confining, changing at lines 2 and 4 to 8, Seeking Union - changing to - which is a lovely example of Yi answering the person even when I couldn't quite see how it could answer the question. I hope you enjoy listening - and if you'd like to share a reading of your own on the podcast, you can book that here.

  • The Inner Truth of Waiting

    11/05/2023 Duración: 34min

    In this episode, Katie - a psychotherapist in training - asks, "What do I most need to know right now?" Behind this question lies a worry that she ought to be doing more, or achieving faster or maybe starting a side business: she was wondering, she said, whether she ought to be active or passive. Yi responded with Hexagram 61, Inner Truth, changing at lines 3 and 6 to Hexagram 5, Waiting: changing to Yi, I think, took the whole idea of being active and making things happen and turned it neatly on its head for her. How does it sound to you? In this episode, I also introduce the Reading Navigation class. If you'd like to join Change Circle so you can be part of that, you can sign up here.

  • An outsider seeking nourishment

    13/04/2023 Duración: 17min

    Here's the 30th episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast - a short one, this time, with a reading of my own. I asked for an auspice or advice for joining a new orchestra, and received Hexagram 38, Opposing, changing at lines 2 and 4 to 27, Nourishment: changing to Here are some reflections on how this one worked out, and the portrait painted by those two lines. I have some space on my calendar to discuss a listener's reading, so if you'd like to have a free reading and share it on the podcast, please book yourself a slot here.

  • A relationship without anxiety?

    11/03/2023 Duración: 43min

    Here's a new episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast for you, with a listener's reading about a relationship problem that a lot of people will be able to relate to. Danielle's reading was Hexagram 41, Decreasing, changing to 42, Increasing: changing to Seven minutes or so into the episode, I pause to talk about change patterns - which in this reading are hexagrams 29 and 30 - and You can read a quick introduction to change patterns here, and there's also a full course about them in the Change Circle Library. (If you're not yet a member, you are very welcome to join here.) I also talk about the Chinese names of Decreasing and Increasing, sun and yi, which both depict vessels in their oldest forms. Here they are - the vessel to pour out, and the one full to overflowing. sun, decreasing yi, increasing And finally, you're very welcome to share a reading of your own on the podcast: here's how.

  • Memoirs and Inner Truth

    09/02/2023 Duración: 40min

    In this podcast episode, Elisabeth asks Yi, 'What approach or attitude should I adopt to have the best chance of serving other people through my writing?' Yi answers with Hexagram 61, Inner Truth, changing at lines 1, 4 and 6 to Hexagram 47, Confining - very apt hexagrams, as the writing project she's asking about is her memoir... changing to If you'd like to talk through your reading with me on the podcast - it's free, as a thank-you for letting me use the recording - you can book your slot here.

  • Trust and Hexagram 30

    12/01/2023 Duración: 36min

    In this 27th episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast, Anita shares a reading about trusting her new relationship. She received Hexagram 30, Clarity, with no changing lines - the hexagram made by doubling the trigram li, fire and light: 'Unchangingness' can colour a hexagram's meaning in interesting ways - in our conversation, I mentioned this I Ching Community thread about Hexagram 30 unchanging. For comparison... back in episode 14, Sasha and I talked about another relationship reading: Hexagram 29, Repeating Chasms, the exact opposite of 30, also with no changing lines. If you'd like to share your own reading on the podcast, click here to book!

  • A good question

    08/12/2022 Duración: 19min

    A reading of my own for this episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast: what are the characteristics of a good question? Yi answered with Hexagram 16, Enthusiasm, changing at line 2 to 40, Release: changing to I've written about 16.2 a couple of times before - about its 'borders and boundaries' and how they don't last a 'whole day'. I hope you enjoy the reading - and the music! Here's a complete, much better recording. If you'd like to share your own reading on the podcast - it's free! - you can read more and sign up here.

  • Dispersing a conflict

    10/11/2022 Duración: 53min

    In this episode, Tricia shares her reading about how to leave a conflict behind. Yi answered with Hexagram 59, Dispersing, changing at lines 2, 4 and 5 to 35, Advancing: changing to It's a remarkable reading - I really enjoyed exploring it with her, and I hope you will, too. Handy links... The poem mentioned is Small Kindnesses by Danusha LamérisThat Buffy the Vampire Slayer moment is hereSign up to share your own reading on the podcast here...or join Change Circle here

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