Hear messages from Gene Thomsen at Rice Community Church in Rice, MN. To learn more about the church please visit
The Beauty of Brokenness
05/02/2023I believe as Christians we really want to follow Jesus, but the problem is a lot of times is that we tend to get in our own way. We want to say yes to following Jesus, but we also want to say yes to ourselves. Jesus says in Luke 9:23 to follow Him we have to give up our own way. Today we discuss the freedom of brokenness and realizing we are all broken and God is the One putting us back together.
Stand in the Gap
01/01/2023Happy New Year!!! As we begin our new year we are going back to the basics. Today we look at the importance of prayer not only in our personal journey but how we can "stand in the gap," for our families, friends and communities.
Wounds That God Uses To Heal
11/12/2022We all go through things in life that don't make sense, wounds that are caused by enemies, ourselves or friendly fire. Join us today as Pastor Randy Ruiz shares with us how God wants to use our wounds to help heal others and how we can chose to not allow your present negative wounds to name your future! I KINGS 20:35-37 NKJV
God's Travel Guide
11/12/2022In our evening service Pastor Randy shares with us how we all have had people in our lives that were so lit up with the light of Jesus that they led us to the Savior. Here is the question though "What do you do when you follow the star as the Magi did and it leads you to a stable?" Here is the key, it's in the stables of your life that you will sense Jesus closer then He has ever been. Like the Magi we have to decide to give our best worship in those unpleasant circumstances because that is where Jesus gives us His light.
Hope is at the Heart of Christmas
04/12/2022The Christmas season is finally upon us. During the holiday season we can be easily distracted by all the decorations and lights and forget about the "true" meaning of Christmas. The heart of the Christmas story is the birth of Jesus, and how His arrival brought and still brings. Hope, Joy, Love and Peace.
The Invitation
06/11/2022Have you ever thought, "there has to be more to life than this?" if you have it's normal and today we talk about 3 invitations Jesus gives us to receive rest and refreshing, to be set free and to have a deeper more meaningful walk with God.
30/10/2022Have you ever felt like you just don't fit in, you're not sure what to do next. Today we finish off our series on God's Will is Whatever. We discuss how God has given each of us gifts that will fit well with others around us so that the body of Christ, can be all He has called us to be.
Choosing The Right Team
04/09/2022The one person in all of history who didn't need a team put a team of people together. Jesus shows us how we need people in our lives who will challenge us, encourage us, and be with us as we walk through life. Today we look at the importance of choosing the right team of people to be around you.
Choosing the Right Guide
28/08/2022In this journey called life there are many things fighting to be our guide and tell us which way to go, what to see and how to act. But God gave us the guidebook (His Word) and promised us a guide in the Holy Spirit to navigate life.
Ready for Battle
07/08/2022In the last message from our series, today we are going to look at 3 ways to fight the battles in us, around us and against us, 1. we must prepare; 2. recognize our real enemy; 3. Put on the full armor of God. So that we can withstand the battles and stand strong on the solid foundation found in Jesus.
Being Faithful in a Faithless World
24/07/2022As the world tells us to trust our own thoughts and feelings, God has called us to live different and to live faith-full. We are called to live out our faith in our every day lives as we continue to grow and serve and love others. Today we discuss 6 tests that God will use to grow our faith in Him.
Making Changes In Me
17/07/2022When we try to live our life perfect, afraid to make any mistakes, you get paralyzed by indecisions, you don’t want to accept responsibility, you put unrealistic expectations on yourself, but here is the thing everyone has defects, we say here we are all broken and only God can put us back together. Nothing on the planet is perfect – except the Word of God. Today we are looking in Ephesians 4:21-27 and see 6 requirements to make changes in ourselves.
Set Free From Me Part 2
10/07/2022This isn’t self-help its Spirit help, this isn’t will power, this is God’s power living in you, to live a victorious Christian life we need to remember its not about what we can do but what Jesus has already done for us and in us, as we grow to understand we the ability through Him to live a life free of these weapons of self-destruction. Romans 8:17-39