Forgotten Classics



Where a good story never goes out of style.


  • Episode 355: The Green Jacket, chapter 21


    In which we draw conclusions about Elise and meet someone from Millie's detective work.Episode 355, The Green Jacket, chapter 21(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for lady detectives, missing necklaces, solving cases the men can't solve, and knitting.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by J.M. Smallheer.Podcast HighlightNotes From a Cranky Editor

  • Episode 354: The Green Jacket, chapters 19-20


    In which Steven gives us the story from his point of view.Episode 354, The Green Jacket, chapters 19-20(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for lady detectives, missing necklaces, solving cases the men can't solve, and knitting.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by J.M. Smallheer.Podcast HighlightLeVar Burton Reads

  • Episode 353: The Green Jacket, chapters 16-18


    In which we meet the son of the household.Is he the innocent his mother thinks him or a shady character?Episode 353, The Green Jacket, chapters 16-18(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for lady detectives, missing necklaces, solving cases the men can't solve, and knitting.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by J.M. Smallheer.

  • Episode 352: The Green Jacket, chapters 12-15


    In which we interview the suspects and also get a lot of mending done.Episode 352, The Green Jacket, chapters 12-15(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for lady detectives, missing necklaces, solving cases the men can't solve, and knitting.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by J.M. Smallheer.HighlightsTrue Grit - by Charles Portis, read by Donna Tartt

  • Episode 351: The Green Jacket, chapters 9-11


    In which we go undercover.Episode 351, The Green Jacket, chapters 9-11(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for lady detectives, missing necklaces, solving cases the men can't solve, and knitting.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by J.M. Smallheer.Podcast HighlightsClose Reads - iTunes, Circe Institute iTunes for 2016 episodes

  • Episode 350: The Green Jacket, chapters 5-8 (fixed)


    In which we don't take divorce cases and do begin investigating missing emeralds.Episode 350, The Green Jacket, chapters 5-8 (fixed)(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for lady detectives, missing necklaces, solving cases the men can't solve, and knitting.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by J.M. Smallheer.

  • Episode: 349: The Green Jacket, ch. 1-4


    In which we meet private detective Millicent Newberry, who is never without her knitting.She goes undercover to solve the unsolvable case of the missing emerald necklace.Episode 349, The Green Jacket, chapters 1-4(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for lady detectives, missing necklaces, solving cases the men can't solve, and knitting.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by J.M. Smallheer.

  • Episode 348: Lone Star Planet, ch. 10-11, finale!


    In which a conspiracy is revealed, the guilty are punished, and the Ambassador follows a new calling.Episode 348, Lone Star Planet, chapters 10-11, finale!(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for Texans, gunfights, supercows, and talking dogs.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by Mark Nelson.

  • Episode 347: Lone Star Planet, ch. 7-9


    In which Ambassador faces a conundrum: to not have the Bonneys convicted as politicians but still bring them to justice.Episode 347, Lone Star Planet, chapters 7-9(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for Texans, gunfights, supercows, and talking dogs.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by Mark Nelson.Podcast HighlightBurnt Toast

  • Episode 346, Lone Star Planet, chapters 5-6


    In which we witness a "murder" trial, learn more about New Texas politics, and decide to always keep our six-shooter handy.Episode 346, Lone Star Planet, chapters 5-6(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for Texans, gunfights, supercows, and talking dogs.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by Mark Nelson.

  • Episode 345: Lone Star Planet, ch. 3-4


    We're welcomed to New Texas with an ambush, a giant barbecue, and a trial.Sounds as if they did manage to recreate the culture in space.Episode 345, Lone Star Planet, chapters 3-4(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for Texans, gunfights, supercows, and talking dogs.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by Mark Nelson.

  • Episode 344: Lone Star Planet, ch. 1-2


    When a galactic diplomat makes a political misstep he's punished by being assigned as ambassador to New Texas ... where the last ambassador left feet-first.Episode 344, Lone Star Planet, chapters 1-2 (download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for Texans, gunfights, supercows, and talking dogs.This story is in the public domain, via LibriVox, read by Mark Nelson.Podcast HighlightLexicon Valley

  • Episode 343: Carnacki, The Ghost Finder, 6


    Carnacki, The Ghost FinderThe Thing Invisible. In which Carnacki is called for help when a haunted chapel turns from being a charming old story into deadly reality.Episode 343, Carnacki Ghost Finder, 6(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for occult detection, faked ghosts, real ghosts, and other things that go bump in the night.This story is in the public domain.Podcast HighlightLexicon Valley

  • Episode 342: Carnacki, The Ghost Finder, 5


    Carnacki, The Ghost FinderThe Searcher of the End House. A rare glimpse of Carnacki's early days when he finds his own home may harbor a ghost ... or two!Episode 342, Carnacki Ghost Finder, 5(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for occult detection, faked ghosts, real ghosts, and other things that go bump in the night.This story is in the public domain.HighlightArrival

  • Episode 341: Carnacki, The Ghost Finder, 4


    Carnacki, The Ghost FinderThe Horse of the Invisible. Can Carnacki save the beautiful young heiress from the deadly family curse?Episode 341, Carnacki Ghost Finder, 4(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for occult detection, faked ghosts, real ghosts, and other things that go bump in the night.This story is in the public domain.HighlightQueen of Katwe

  • Episode 340: Carnacki, The Ghost Finder, 3


    Carnacki, The Ghost FinderThe Whistling Room. Why does a whistled tune cause such terror? Are disappointed suitors playing a trick or does it come from the depths of hell? Episode 340, Carnacki Ghost Finder, 3(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for occult detection, faked ghosts, real ghosts, and other things that go bump in the night.This story is in the public domain.Podcast HighlightA Time and a Plate

  • Episode 339: Carnackie, The Ghost Finder, 2


    Carnacki, The Ghost FinderThe House Among the Laurels. Can Carnackie overcome the blood-drip and killing spirit that haunts a Irish deserted mansion? Episode 339, Carnacki Ghost Finder, 2(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for occult detection, faked ghosts, real ghosts, and other things that go bump in the night.This story is in the public domain.Podcast HighlightTwenty Thousand Hertz

  • Episode 338: Carnackie, The Ghost Finder, 1


    Carnacki, The Ghost FinderThe Gateway of the Monster. Carnacki is summoned to investigate a spirit that disrupts an ancient mansion every night at the site of a grisly murder generations ago. Episode 338, Carnacki Ghost Finder, 1(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for occult detection, faked ghosts, real ghosts, and other things that go bump in the night.This story is in the public domain.

  • Episode 337: Rip Van Winkle


    N.C. Wyeth - Washington Irving: Rip Van Winkle .A famous classic with some elements that no one remembers.Episode 337, Rip Van Winkle(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for henpecked husbands, ghostly bowling, and a very good night's sleep.This story are in the public domain.HighlightFawlty Towers

  • Episode 336: True Ghost Stories by Hawthorne and Kipling


    KiplingHawthorneThe Ghost of Dr. Harris by Nathaniel HawthorneMy Own True Ghost Story by Rudyard KiplingEpisode 336, True Ghost Stories by Hawthorne and Kipling(download or listen via this link)Book InformationStory rating: G for non-menacing true ghost stories by bemused, famous writers.These stories are in the public domain.HighlightThe Night Train to Munich (1940)

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