Untangle, The Podcast From Meditation Studio



Untangle, is the podcast from the 5-star app, Meditation Studio. Experts and real people share stories about how mindfulness practices have changed their lives. Hear experiences from business leaders, psychologists, cancer survivors, moms, neuroscientists, nutritionists, authors, mindfulness teachers, storytellers and more. We cover everything from why its important to meditate to how self-compassion practices change us from the inside out to why meditation helps with anxiety in adults and kids. A rich collection of interviews with a range of thoughtful guests who share their true and heartfelt experiences with mindfulness and other contemplative practices.


  • Mindfulness and Meditation in Schools: A Transformation Story of Inner City Kids. With Adres Gonzales, Ali Smith and Atman Smith

    22/08/2023 Duración: 39min

    Andrés González is a Puerto-Rican American teacher, author, and musician. He has taught yoga and meditation to diverse populations worldwide for twenty years and is a Co-Founder of the Holistic Life Foundation, founded in 2001. Andrés is a certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and maintains a B.S. in Marketing and an MBA from the University of Maryland. His teaching and music center around the liberation of marginalized individuals and communities through personal empowerment, healing, and love. Let Your Light Shine is his first book.  Ali Smith is a teacher and author, born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Ali’s life-long study of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness has served as the impetus for his pioneering work bringing trauma-informed yoga and mindfulness to underserved youth–and influencing education curriculum worldwide. He is the longtime Executive Director of the Holistic Life Foundation, a non-profit organization he co-founded in 2001 that brings yoga and mindfulness

  • Creative Acts for Curious People. How to Think, Create and Lead in Unconventional Ways. With Sarah Stein Greenberg.

    15/08/2023 Duración: 49min

    Sarah Stein Greenberg is Executive Director of Stanford University's d School (Design School) and is the author of the book, “Creative Acts for Curious People. How to Think, Create and Lead in Unconventional Ways’’. A quote from the book sums it up: “In an era of ambiguous, messy problems, as well as extraordinary opportunities for positive change, it’s vital to have both an inquisitive mind and the ability to act with intention. This book is filled with ways to build those skills with resilience, care, and confidence”.The tools and exercises in the book are a gift to the rest of us who’ve not yet had the opportunity to go through their programs designed to spark creativity, foster connection, and solve problems. From her Linkedin profile: Sarah leads a community of designers, faculty, and other innovative thinkers who help people unlock their creative abilities and apply them to the world. Sarah speaks regularly at universities and global conferences on design, business, and education. She holds an MBA from

  • Want to Be Unstoppable? Get Fired Up and Focused with Tools that May Change Your Life Forever. With Ben Angel.

    08/08/2023 Duración: 46min

    Ben Angel, author of "Unstoppable, A 90-Day Plan to Biohack Your Mind and Body for Success" shares how his early depression and lack of energy led him to ‘find solutions’ he never imagined would make him feel better. He made it his mission to explore alternatives beyond medicine and ‘self-help.’ His journey paid off! He talks about how you can close the gap between where you are and where you want to be, and shows us how to get fired up and focused with some tools that may have the power to change our lives forever. Encore. Check out the Meditation Studio App to get meditations for performance, focus and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • A Personal Story of Growth, Self-Care and Finding Balance. With Monique Billings

    01/08/2023 Duración: 34min

    Monique Billings is a professional basketball player for the Atlanta Dream of the Women's National Basketball Association. She was drafted into the WNBA in 2018. She shares her personal story about growing up with a strong family foundation, her meditation practice, her commitment to self-care, and her healthy routines. She has an amazing inner compass and an ability to follow her gut, her intuition, and her spirit. All of this makes her a great player...and a great human. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • How to Change: The Science of Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. With Katy Milkman

    25/07/2023 Duración: 48min

    Today’s guest is Katy Milkman, Wharton University Professor and author of the national bestseller, How to Change, The Science of Getting from Where you are to Where you Want to Be. The book was named one of the top 8 books for healthy living in 2021 by the NY Times. Katy has devoted her career to the study of behavior change, inspired by the fact that 40% of premature deaths are due to behaviors and habits we can actually change. She discusses the importance of understanding the barriers that stand between you and the change you’re trying to make so that you can find the right solution to each particular roadblock. Turning an uphill battle into a downhill one is one of the keys to success. She goes through the most common barriers which tend to be short-term rewards or instant gratification, procrastination, and forgetfulness. She provides some great research and tools to support habit change. Encore. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Can you Harness Kindness and Self Compassion to Speak Up, Own your Power and Thrive? To Be Tender and Fierce? With Kristin Neff

    18/07/2023 Duración: 43min

    Kristin Neff is an expert and pioneer in the field of self-compassion. Her most recent book is called Fierce Self Compassion: How Women can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim their Power and Thrive. She discusses how self-compassion allows us to be tender with ourselves in difficult situations, but also that it sometimes needs to be fierce — like the mama bear energy that comes from a place of love, service, and a desire to reduce harm. We must, she says, act courageously to protect ourselves from harm and injustice — and to motivate necessary change in ourselves and society. Her message…women can be fierce and tender. Best quote from the book: "Tender Self-Compassion harnesses the energy of nurturing to alleviate suffering while fierce Self-Compassion harnesses the energy of action to alleviate suffering." We need both. Encore. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Quiet The Inner Critic and Rise Above Anxiety. With Dr. Ellen Hendriksen. Part one.

    11/07/2023 Duración: 57min

    Dr. Ellen Hendriksen is a clinical psychologist whose focus is on helping millions of people calm their anxiety so they can be more comfortable with their true selves. She serves on the faculty at Boston University's Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders and is the author of the book we discuss today, How to Be Yourself: Quiet the Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety. In this episode, we talk about the fear of being judged or rejected, and how to manage our somewhat distorted (and often annoying) negative thoughts. We’ve heard this before…your thoughts are NOT always true. Ellen discusses many ways to quiet the inner chatter that takes us down a rabbit hole and prevents us from living life, and enjoying it, to its fullest. She shares how we can actually rewire our brains through our behavior, make changes and let go of the 'monkey mind' inner critic. It’s not easy…but she suggests lots of small steps we can take. Encore. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • How and When Does an Organization or Individual Know That It's Time for Change? And How do We Navigate This? Can you Recover from Bad Decisions? With Richard Hawkes

    04/07/2023 Duración: 45min

    Today’s guest is Richard Hawkes, thought leader, change expert, author and Founder & CEO, of Growth River — an international consulting firm. His book is called Navigate the Swirl, 7 conversations for Business Transformation. He specializes in helping organizations and individuals scale and grow. In fact, he was my executive coach over 15 years ago and a big reason I made some pretty important changes in my life at that time.  What I liked about this discussion was all of the connections I started thinking about between business transformation and personal transformation. They both involve activating purpose, driving focus, shifting mindset, aligning strategy and implementing initiatives. When we discuss the kind of team you need to build a high performing organization, I wondered about the teams we build as individuals — those in our tribes, so to speak, that support and encourage our own transformation.  Some of the things we discuss:  How do we actually navigate change in organizations and in our lives?

  • How a Panic Attack Drove Former News Anchor to Meditation. With Dan Harris.

    27/06/2023 Duración: 40min

    10% Happier Author and Former ABC News Anchor Dan Harris joined us in the early days - almost 6 years ago on Untangles 7th episode. In this interview he shared the story of how he came to believe that Meditation is, in fact, a way for all of us to be at least 10% happier, and a great way to tame the monkey mind or as he says, get centered again when you’re wayward thoughts are yanking you around. He’s funny and honest, and shares how meditation has helped him handle conflict and everyday annoyances with those who matter most in his life. He discusses tools for learning meditation--especially for those who say they can’t sit still.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Can Mindfulness Save (or help!) the Healthcare System? With Dr. Ron Epstein

    20/06/2023 Duración: 43min

    Dr. Epstein is a family physician, palliative care Dr., author, researcher, and teaches communication and mindful practice in medicine. His book, Attending: Medicine, Mindfulness, and Humanity explores how the foundations of mindfulness can help clinicians expand their capacity to provide high-quality care, and how doctors, patients, and their families can more collaboratively and mindfully approach medical decisions. He shares how the practice of mindfulness in medicine helps support a deeper understanding and connection between clinicians and patients, how we can flourish and be more resilient in the midst of uncertain situations, and how healthcare professionals can more skillfully cope with the discomfort of ambiguity. He also discusses his hope that the human aspects of medicine can become at least as important as the technical aspects of the future. Encore episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Achieve Success Without Compromising the Quality of Your Life. Self Care with Cheryl Richardson.

    13/06/2023 Duración: 50min

    Todays guest is Cheryl Richardson. Cheryl has written 7 books and has dedicated her life to the practice of self care. When we begin to care for ourselves, we naturally begin to care for others…families, friends, the environment and the world. There are so many wisdom nuggets in this episode. She invites us to look at what’s draining our energy so that we can let go of what no longer serves us; she shares how to make our inner lives more of a priority and discusses how to set up priorities and boundaries. I love her phrase; “stop doing things that bore you.” This can be the biggest energy drain of all. She also suggests that doing the opposite of what you normally do or even think you can do can be a great way to change stagnant habits and break some old patterns. Cheryl shares why focusing on self care is so important for all of us. She also discusses how to make soul vs. ego more of a focus as you move into your later years; how to look at what’s draining your energy by making a list and eliminating each

  • Unleash your Unique Talents to Ignite Creativity and Become Extraordinary. With Ozan Varol

    06/06/2023 Duración: 53min

    Todays guest is Ozan Varol. Ozan is a native of Turkey and moved to the US to study astrophysics when he was 17. He started out as a rocket scientist and later became a law professor. In our interview, he reflects on how there were so many moments where on paper everything looked great, but intuitively there was something deep down in his gut that felt very wrong. He couldn’t rationally explain the feeling…but he knew he needed to make some changes in his life. And he did. His mission now is to help others reimagine the conventional wisdom that led them to decisions that govern their lives…but no longer need to. I like when he says “is your safety net really a straight jacket?” His book is called Awaken your Genius. Escape Conformity, Ignite Creativity and Become Extraordinary. Genius, to him, means being who you were meant to be; not what others expect. Unlock your originality and unleash your unique talents to discover your true nature. I think you’ll find his perspectives super interesting, and a great

  • A Guided Meditation on the Gifts, Benefits and Value of a Growth Mindset

    30/05/2023 Duración: 20min

    Welcome to another meditation edition of Untangle.I’m excited to introduce you to Shawn Moore. Shawn is a meditation and yoga teacher, and loves to create spaces for stillness and self-inquiry to help leaders and all of us… align our strengths, intention, and impact. Today’s meditation lives in the Optimal Brain States Collection on the Muse app. Shawn leads all of the community initiatives at Muse and is passionate about bringing people together to connect, learn and be inspired by one another. Today’s meditation is about the gifts of a growth vs. fixed mindset. He invites us to leave lot’s of room for reflection here. My favorite part? He asks us to ponder this question. How do you react when working outside your comfort zone? Head over to choosemuse.com to check out his meditations on the Muse app. Use Untangle15 for your discount code. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Living a Life with No Regrets: “Tuesdays with Morrie” Son Shares Dad's Wisdom. With Rob Schwartz

    23/05/2023 Duración: 44min

    Todays guest is Rob Schwartz. You may not know him, but you’ve likely heard of his dad, Morrie. Bestseller, “Tuesdays with Morrie,” sold over 18 million copies after it was released in 1997. While Morrie, a beloved dad and professor at Brandeis University, was dying of ALS, Mitch Albom, one of his students, sat down to interview him every Tuesday for 12 weeks. This became a treasure trove of his philosophy as his health declined. It was very early in our understanding of ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Several years after “Tuesdays with Morrie," and the death of his father, Rob, found an almost finished manuscript in his dad’s desk drawer. He decided to edit this book as a tribute to his dad. Now, “The Wisdom of Morrie," recently released, is a new look at Morries’ life wisdom and lessons. I was happy to be reminded of the spirit and light that filled his life, despite that he was dying. A reminder from Morrie: “Dying is only one thing to be upset about; living an unhappy life is something else.” Show Not

  • Celebrating World Meditation Week - A Guided Meditation on Love and Equanimity

    18/05/2023 Duración: 18min

    Enjoy this lovely meditation, by Kate Johnson, in honor of World Meditation Week. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rise and Shine! How to Make the Perfect Morning Work for You. With Kate and Toby Oliver

    16/05/2023 Duración: 01h50s

    Guest interviewer > Ariel Garten! Do you want to wake up feeling great, and be productive through the rest of the day? Make the most of your day by optimizing your mornings. Charming British brother and sister therapists, Toby and Kate Oliver, give dozens of practical, science-backed techniques to try at the start of the day, to improve your morning and the whole day. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, this episode will help you transform your life, one morning at a time. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Elevate Energy, Supercharge Performance. Mitochondria to the Rescue! With Dr. Greg Wells

    09/05/2023 Duración: 40min

    Today's guest is Dr. Greg Wells a Physiologist, Scientist, Author, and renowned health and high-performance expert. He has dedicated his career to studying the science of human limits and developing practical strategies to help individuals and organizations perform at their best, even under the most challenging circumstances. He’s even worked with Olympic athletes. But his most important work is with those of us who simply want to optimize health every single day. His guidance in this interview relates to protecting and optimizing our Mitochondria, which affects every aspect of our lives. It’s a really interesting way to look at how we can have some agency over our mental and physical health so we can live our best lives. Note: Use discount code UNTANGLE15 at choosemuse.com to order your Muse Headband. Show notes: We get our energy from mitochondria. These are tiny structures inside our cells that break down the foods that we eat to create energy. They're in our muscles, our brains, they're all over the pl

  • Poignant & Humorous Lessons from Thanking Everyone Who Made My Cup of Coffee. With AJ Jacobs

    02/05/2023 Duración: 48min

    4X NYT best-selling author, the hilarious and poignant AJ Jacobs, spent a year following every commandment in the Bible, to see what would happen. He then dove deep into gratitude by traveling around the globe to thank every person who had helped produce his morning coffee. In an incredibly interesting conversation, he shares his witty and profound insights from these experiments, and also teaches us what it takes to accomplish the things we want in our own lives, and gives us techniques we can use to motivate ourselves towards our goals. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Behavior Change Ideas To Achieve Healthy Eating Goals AND Happy Weight. With Dr. Allison Grupski

    25/04/2023 Duración: 43min

    Today’s guest is all about behavior change. Dr. Allison Grupski, PhD and Clinical Health Psychologist specializing in weight management and eating behaviors is the Head of Behavior Change at Weight Watchers, referred to as WW in this interview. She shares many of the behavior change strategies she’s used to drive real-life behavior change for millions of people. Change can be difficult, especially when it’s tied to deeply engrained habits. And, when it comes to eating and weight management, it may be even more complicated given the many factors that influence us. Her thoughts on disrupting routine behaviors as a way to shift habits are fascinating. You won’t be surprised to know that she includes meditation in many of her workshops and meetings. She also shared the top five behaviors that help people reach their healthy weight goals. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • The Neurobiology of Happiness, Love, Motivation and Mood. With Dr. Tobias Esch

    18/04/2023 Duración: 52min

    Today’s guest is Dr. Tobias Esch. He is a primary care physician, pioneer in holistic general medicine, and expert in the neurobiology of happiness. He shaped mind-body medicine and integrative health in Germany and as Visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School. He has published more than 300 scientific works. His background is in primary care, neurobiology, and positive psychology and his work focus has been on promoting good health, patient activation and behavior change. In this interview we dive into his Happiness Model, and what he calls the U Curve of happiness which is both surprising and fascinating. The good news is that happiness can be shaped through practice. Life satisfaction and happiness are both deep feeling states, but he defines them differently. His wisdom is cultivated through a rich blend of neuroscience, medicine, positive psychology, mindfulness, gratitude, stillness, and acceptance. He believes in listening deeply and connecting with his patients to uncover what might be beyond the

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