Don Woods

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Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a correspondent with Vince for many years. He is a member of the .Merseycats and on Wirral 'The Cheshirecats' bringing the musicians from the Merseybeat era together each week to get money for childrens' charities. Visit the Cheshire Cats website5th September Don tells us about the Police farce, Tony's Book and remembers Gerry Marsden Don Woods 2012Click picture to get Don's WebsiteDon has some wonderful items on his website and is a past master at creating unusual songs and making videos and DVDs. Please drop by and enjoy his work


  • The Duke's a Hazard!


    The grand Old Duke of Edinburgh has been in the news for various reasons.....he was involved in a crash while he was out driving his Landrover.....which he managed to roll over...which wants a bit of doing with a car that size....but it was O.K. the armour plating saved him and he was able to walk away.....ignoring the other car he had pulled out in front of ... which had two people and a one month old child in it....who were thankfully not seriously injured......but his subjects needn't worry....a replacement car was delivered to him next day in which he was last seen driving around without a that's O.K. then......all he has to do now is to pop in and see David Beckham's solicitor.....problem would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.......the woman in the other car is thinking of making an injury claim......but it does beg the question as to how fast she must have been going to hit and roll a two ton Landrover? 2.Out of interest I watched "Celebrity Coach Trip" to see if had im

  • Googie the Liverpool Duck


    There is a move afoot to cease sending people to prison for sentences less than 6 months.....naturally this has been received with mixed opinions......but unless you have been closely involved with the prison system....having either been inside or knowing someone who has it is impossible to know what it's's very easy to say "they deserve it" but everyone is different......whereas one criminal may be non-violent another may be the opposite....and you can't legislate for the latter as they are probably incurable. 2.I watched a programme on Les Dawson's simply showed what a comedy genius he was....and there was another programme on Bob Monkhouse....again a very clever's such a shame that stand up comedy has lost its way.....however it hasn't completely vanished as we still have the likes of "Would I Lie to you" and "Room 101" with the likes of Frank Skinner....Lee Mac and Rob Brydon who are very funny so there is still hope......and speaking of comedy someone put a picture

  • What is it?


    It strikes me that we have become a nation of moaners....especially the older go on Facebook and there they are with the grumbles and outrage about politicians and the way the country is run.....yet no-one does anything about it.....the easiest thing in the world is to criticise .....if you can do better get off you backside and get on with it.....and we seem to be stuck in the past....we keep harping back to the good old days with endless programmes on The Beatles etc....with old guys forming bands and going out with their shades and cowboy hats....and playing for nothing.....very strange....coupled with this we have the P.C. brigade...the feminists...and the easily offended telling us what we can and can't say or do.....there's only a handful of them so why not just sweep them aside and ignore them?....I certainly do. 2,I watched The Greatest Showman over Xmas....a great film which I thoroughly enjoyed....great songs....also unfortunately Mary Poppins was I have always been tol

  • Hold Yer Plums


    .I was beginning to wonder what Bradley Walsh does in his spare time...then I realised he doesn't have any....because he is NEVER off the television......last Saturday for example....3.30 The Chase with Bradley Walsh....8.oo The London Studios with contributions from various celebs guessed it...Bradley Walsh....9.00 Bradley Walsh presents a programme on puppets......not forgetting Doctor Who and Law and Order and The Palladium....oh yes and he has a feature coming where he travels abroad with his son.....not forgetting East's not that I dislike the bloke........but it would be nice to have a different face on the tele FOR A CHANGE......Kathryn Ryan is another....she is virtually on every quiz panel....and I've yet to find out what she actually does....I think she is a comedienne......I'll take her word for that. 2.Radio Merseyside (your favourite station) has not renewed Billy Butler's contract for the coming year.....this has caused outrage on Facebook......Billy is

  • In My Christmas Stocking


    .Meghan Markle's dad is very upset because she isn't talking to him....and doesn't answer his texts Piers Morgan is straight in with an interview with him.....he sympathised with him and made a point of saying as it was Christmas she should get in touch....I'm still trying to puzzle out what it has to do with anyone else other than Meg?....Joan Collins was on the same programme and said Meghan's dad has been in showbiz long enough to know better....and good old Joanie scoffs at feminism....that's why I love her.,,,,she is a REAL woman...who says it like it is. 2.There was a comedian on morning TV who has been criticised for refusing to sign a contract which laid out what he could not say in his act to prevent anyone being offended.....the document was covered EVERYTHING from racism and sexism to ageism and physical heightism......he should have gone on stage and read out the words on the contract it would have been's such a shame that people take notice of these humo

  • Feminists Banging on!


    Male voice choirs are now under fire by....guess who....the feminist some university or other their male voice choir has been heavily criticised for not allowing women to sing in think the clue is in the title?.....why have we got to put up with this constant nonsense?...and why do those involved get so much publicity?....we have female police chiefs....a female prime minister....female fire chiefs etc have won need for overkill....just get over yourselves because you are becoming very boring......and it's not NEWS. 2.It's now time for the Christmas plays in the schools which sadly will be forgotten in no those magical moments watching your youngster on stage cannot be captured on video......because .001% of parents worry about pictures of their little pride and joy being misused on the everyone else has to comply......back in the day I used to video the plays for various schools and the parents were delighted to have these pricele

  • Wot 'ave I got in my Hand?


    .The Paris riots have been headlining the news's over fuel prices.....and the oil companies deserve it...they have been ripping us off for years....they are greedy money grabbers who prey on the general public and I think this could be the tip of the iceberg....the public are getting sick of complaining with no-one taking any notice and this is the answer........also the police can now ram idiots on mopeds who terrorise the streets and commit crimes on stolen bikes.....naturally the doo-gooders come out of the woodwork saying how wrong this is.....however a member of the force came on the radio saying these yobs don't have to steel bikes and commit's their choice.....if they choose to do so they must face the last a bit of welcome sense. 2.I've just watched an item on our wonderful news programmes....apparently engagement rings are now belittling women....and a girl who won an award as the best player in women's football was asked to twerk when she got the award..

  • He's my mate!


    There is a school in Brighton where 70 primary school pupils have been allowed to regard themselves as "gender fluid" they are no longer girls or boys....and...wait for it....a university in London has banned the word "woman" because it has "man" in it...a woman is now there you of the many problems I have with stupid feminists etc is kids are an easy target as they are impressionable at a young age and can easily be manipulated...try telling a rugby scrum they are "gender fluid"...especially if you are holding the ball...........and by putting them on a pedestal simply reveals their feet of clay....again the media need to wake up and stop giving these idiots publicity. I watched the behaviour of the football fans in Europe on the news...they attacked the players as they arrived on the coach.....proving we have yet to move out of the dark ages.....what ia it with these boneheaded morons?'s that strange desire to BELONG that puzzles me....very sad indeed. .I watched Mich

  • Buenos Dias Benidorm


    .I had to laugh at a news item from Bolton....they were asking people in the street how they felt about Brexit....they virtually all said they had completely lost interest and couldn't care less anymore ....which just about sums it all up....I can't believe idiots like Ambrose Mogg,Boris Johnson,Corbyn etc etc are actually running the country....and when they appear on the news and you switch channels there they are can't escape....what has always amazed me is how these buffoons get there in the first place....but then when you see 700,000 (allegedly) people marching through the streets because the democratic vote didn't go their way I suppose that explains it all.....and it's obviously all about money and greed.........................we have just had the "Children In Need" fundraising on TV......they have raised one billion pounds over the years......which is what Alan Sugar is worth....with all the billionaires and millionaires in this country.....not to mention the royalty....why do we have

  • Frightening Technology!


    This week I thought we could talk about the future of the world.....starting with the arrival of electric cars....apparently according to the internet these will take over thus we will see the end of petrol stations and repair shops as we know them....the petrol engine has 20,000 separate parts...the electric engine has 20....and it can be removed and replaced quickly.....oil companies will struggle as will parts was the same with digital photography....there was a lot of doubt at the time when digital cameras came on the scene....who would have thought in 1998 that you would never take another photo on film ever again.....I remember Kodak trying to convince everyone that film was better quality than digital....then they went under....there is no comparison............. ........the speed of modern technology is frightening.....when I first built my recording studio in 1980 everything went on to tape.....and you had to get it right....nowadys you can delete stuff and bring it back if you

  • Bonfire Night Brains!


    Yes it's bonfire night again and already the neanderthals are roaming the streets throwing bricks at firemen and paramedics "WHO ARE TRYING TO SAVE LIVES!!"'s beyond me....and if the firemen threw bricks back they would lose their jobs and end up in court....while we have the stupid human rights legislation this will never change......simple answer ban the whole thing and in a few years it won't even be missed....except by the fat cats who make their fortunes out of fools who watch their money go up in smoke. 2.Also some boneheads have made an effigy of Grenfell Tower... which was the subject of a serious fire earlier in the year... and set it on fire while laughing and put the stupidity on the internet....which has naturally upset those who lost loved ones in the fire at the time and are still grieving.......this has been constantly featured on the national news...WHY?....all the media are doing is giving these lowlifes publicity and giving other brainless morons ideas..and I doubt if it is actually

  • Bonfire Night- Celebrations?


    As we approach our wonderful annual event on the 5th of November...Bonfire Night....out come the media with their scaremongering....kiddies clothing could catch fire....if children are not watched they could receive serious burns etc etc....what is it with this country? 1968 we were told exactly the same thing when I was in trading standards when we were attempting to get this sort of thing off the nothing has changed in the last 50 years.....this year kids will get burned...eyes will be lost...and animals will be distressed....not to mention the fire brigade being abused by stupid why do we not put an end to this ridiculous "celebration".....I fail to see the problem....or could it involve money like everything else?....I can see no point in it whatsoever except that it gives the sheep a chance to oggle at the sky going "OOOH....AHH"......if we MUST have fireworks restrict them to organised events and keep them out of the shops. 2.Apparently ABU who has been the Indian shopkee

  • Politicians-Who'd have them?


    We are being bombarded with the "increase in crime" situation and how the police are loosing their example given was burglaries are no longer priority yet a case of a transexual who was deeply offended on social media because someone used his original male name has been there you go....I don't know what is expected of the police as they can't make a move without "human rights" being thrown at them....they are expected to wrap thugs up in cotton wool instead of giving them a taste of the good old truncheon .... one of the wonderful things the EU has given us............even kids don't fear or respect anything as the teachers daren't make a move that might offend the do-gooders......not to mention the constant unnecessary violence on TV dramas....THAT is why we have an increase in crime....the police haven't lost their grip....the stupid politicians have....human rights...don't make me laugh. 2.There was an item on the news regarding designer kennels for dogs....costing 6 grand.

  • Let them eat cake....while Yoko takes the Biscuit!


    .I was somewhat puzzled over the recent "major"court case regarding a wedding cake for a gay wedding.....apparently the bakers in question refused to make the cake,which had a logo on it,because they didn't agree with same sex marriages....well this naturally caused an outcry as the couple were being discriminated against because of their sexuality they took the bakers to court and won their case...which was later thrown out on appeal who actually saw common sense....I failed to see the problem in the first place...the bakers,or indeed anyone who owns a company,can refuse to serve who they like....they should have said they didn't want the job at the outset instead of handing out the opportunity to play the gay card............a sale is a contract which has to have amongst other things offer and acceptance....the offer is made by the PURCHASER which can either be accepted by the seller or not.......if a shop puts an item on display YOU are being invited to make an is known as an "invitati

  • Off Our Rockers!


    .We have had some bad storms here but nowhere near as bad as the States.....I was once in Florida during one of the annual hurricanes and they were appealing for the public to donate money to help those in the south who had lost their homes etc.....I brought this up the next day by the swimming pool and enquired as to why they are asking the public for donations when they are spending millions 100 miles up the coast sending rockets into space....some of which don't leave the ground....could the Kennedy Space Centre not solve the problem instantly?....well...I nearly cause an international incident.....they didn't see i that they told me with a John Wayne stance....which to me summed up the USA mentality. 2.This Brexit nonsense just goes to prove what a nation of followers we are....we have voted out and now we are getting cold feet because we'll have to go it alone....SO WHAT!!....the majority of us obviously need someone to tell us what we can and can't do....get with it folks....if you accept plo

  • I'm Alright Jack


    In the last few years packaging has got ridiculous....even small items like batteries require a Swiss army knife to get through the packaging....even food like biscuits are another example....the plastic packaging is only thin but unless you are Arnold Swartzenager you cannot open it without scissors.....even buying stuff online leaves you with a mountain of cardboard....aren't we supposed to be saving the environment?....speaking of which I am about to tax my car...£315 for a year !!!!!!....a friend of mine has a Mini Cooper and she pays £20 a year....apparently it's all about the emissions....what the hell that's got to do with ROAD tax is beyond me...another way to rip us off. 2.Us oldies go on about modern songs not being "as good as the ones from our generation"....I recently heard "Rosetta are you better" by Alan Price and Georgie Fame which has to be one of the worst songs of all time....I was unfortunate enough to see them both live in Liverpool....all they did was fool around on stage with total dis

  • Strictly Come Dancing


    Strictly Come Dancing is back...we had the launch last Saturday night which apparently blew The X Factor out of the there's a surprise.....I must say I do enjoy the spectacle of wonderfully sculpted young ladies gliding around the dance floor and I don't care how sexist that sounds....and do not intend to apologise to the pathetic P.C.Brigade....talking of which there has been a suggestion regarding same sex dancing on the show......if that happens count me out....two blokes doing a slow fox is not for me.....and I think they could wave goodbye to 90% of their viewers. 2.And on the equality front.....there was a programme on the BBC discussing politics with a panel consisting of just women....with invited guests...also women....and there have naturally been complaints from those who obviously don't understand that sexism and equality only goes one way.....the complaints were read out on BBC Newswatch...and as usual on comes some big cheese...a bloke...and off he goes saying that they feel they h

  • My Mersey Friend


    .The BBC have dropped their intention to appeal against the Cliff Richard of the boffins was interviewed on "Newswatch" and asked if anyone had been disciplined or resigned...and guess what he could see no real wrong in what they any other business heads would have rolled...."Newswatch" is a joke is there for viewers to criticise the BBC....but it's ON the should be on ITV with Piers Morgan...that would be far more interesting....Cliff ended up with a settlement of 200 grand....a tenth of Gary Linacre's salary....'nuff said. 2.The news has been showing clips of Teresa May "dancing" to music on one of her political travels...she was merely joining in and being why try to ridicule her?....then it goes on Facebook which gives all the sheep a chance to try and be funny with stupid seems you can't do anything these days without everyone jumping on the critics bandwagon....and in this country we always have to search for someone to BLAME for

  • Eugenie's Wedding and other Matters!


    .Eveyone is up in arms about the cost of Princess Eugenie's wedding....somewhere in the region of £2 million....with comments pointing out that she does nothing and doesn't even have job....she is the daughter of Prince Andrew who I don't have a lot of time for and Sarah Ferguson who I actually like very much....however when will these "critics" get it into their heads that we mortals don't's always been us and them and always will be so rather than spend their time moaning and criticising just get on with their own lives....if they actually have would help if we were told what some of the aristocracy actually do...if anything...I do wonder what the next generation will make of the Royals as they are beginning to make their presence felt with the likes of TV which few of them seem to watch and music where they now seem to rule the roost. 2.Speaking of television there seems to be a bit of a panic on about loss of viewers (not just the young ones)....they don't seem to s

  • Beatle City


    Sad to hear about the passing of Aretha Franklin....she was world class and such a massive talent...her range and phrasing were as good as it gets....but she will live on through the music she has given us all....I have always admired anyone who can get up on stage and entertain unrehearsed...which she can do and back herself on the piano...brilliant....there are some amazing female voices who I admire....Dionne Warwick singing Heartbreaker is a masterpiece and couldn't be sung any better....also Celine Dion's voice is so pure it makes me quite emotional......also we have some great home grown female voices such as Leona Lewis....all she needs is the right song.....not forgetting other great singers e.g. Gladys Knight and Tina Turner. 2.Talking of masterpieces (or not) the Tate Gallery in Liverpool has had a when I look at some of the modern art on display I'm afraid I just don't get it....for example a black square on a green background entitled "black on green" is NOT art and anyone over t

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