Marketing Secrets



Welcome To Russell Brunson’s Marketing Secrets Podcast. So, the big question is this, “How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn’t cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own wallets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and services and things that we believe in out to the world… and yet still remain profitable?” That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to


  • If There Is One, There Could Be Two...

    22/05/2018 Duración: 15min

    The two polar opposite mindsets that will either make you, or break you. On this episode Russell talks about having belief in your own success in order to actually be successful. Here are some of the awesome things he mentions in this episode: Why you shouldn't have the Michael Moore view of success being a freak accident. Why believing in your own success will increase the likelihood of you achieving what you're trying to do. And why being a skeptic has a zero percent success rate. So listen here to find out why if there is one, there could be two and you could figure out how to be number two. Transcript -

  • The History And Math That Will Actually Grow Your Company

    21/05/2018 Duración: 11min

    Most entrepreneurs don't love history or math, but when they understand this principle, it'll make it really, really fun. On this episode Russell talks about knowing the history and math of your industry to be able to grow your business. Here are some awesome things he discusses in today's episode: Why knowing the history of your industry will make it easier for you to market and grow your business. What it means to know the math of your business and why that helps it magically grow. And Why it's important to remember that you are not entitled to success just because you worked hard. So listen here to find out why if you know the history and math of your industry, you are more likely to have success within it. Transcript -

  • The BIG Secret... Defend And Advocate

    18/05/2018 Duración: 12min

    One of my biggest take-aways from this month's inner circle meetings was this... On today's episode Russell talks about hearing Alex Charfen say something in passing at the latest Inner Circle meeting and why it was so important to make him stop and point out what he said to everybody in the meeting. Check out a few of the other things you will here in this episode: Find out what Alex said that Russell had never noticed before, but that he's been doing all along. Hear why it's so important to defend and advocate for your dream clients. And Find out how Russell has used social media platforms to go from 10,000 clicks an email to 250,000 customer interactions per day. So listen here to find out what Alex said that was so important, and how you can use it to connect with your audience on social media and in turn increase your customer interactions each day. Transcript -

  • The End Of The Information Age... The Next Phase Is ____

    17/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    I heard something really cool today while listening to Frank Kern's podcast and I thought I'd share it with you. In this episode Russell talks about listening to Frank Kern's new podcast and why he says that the information age is over. Here are some of the other things you will hear in this episode. Why Frank considers the information age to be over and why Russell thinks that is so profound. Now that the information age is over, find out what the next phase is. And see why the specialized insights you have are going to so important. So listen here to find out why Russell agrees with Frank Kern when he says that the information age is dead. Transcript -

  • When You Shift To This Question, Everything Will Change

    16/05/2018 Duración: 11min

    After spending time with 100 entrepreneurs inside the Inner Circle over the last two weeks, this was my biggest take-away. On this episode Russell talks about why there comes a point where money doesn't matter, as long as you're trying to grow your business for the right reasons. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in today's episode: Why Russell stayed up until 3:00 am to buy whatever he wanted on eBay, but only managed to spend $650. Why when you scale your business just to make more money, it's for the wrong reason. And why when you finally start asking the right questions, the money will start to flow. So listen here to find out why money doesn't buy happiness, but finding new ways to serve your customers will. Transcript -

  • The Who... Not The How

    04/05/2018 Duración: 16min

    Super cool thing I learned from Dan Sullivan at Genius K (The 100K Group) last night... On this episode Russell talks about some things he learned at his 100k group. He explains the difference between the who and the how, and why he might start keeping a journal. Here are some of the interesting things you will hear in today's episode: What Dan Sullivan taught him about finding the who instead of figuring out the how. Why he is going to apply that to his own projects that he has been procrastinating on. And how Ethan Willis convinced him to start keeping a journal of how God touches his life. So listen here to find out what kind of things Russell is learning in the 100k group. Transcript -

  • What To Do When You're Scared To Death Of Clicking "Publish"

    30/04/2018 Duración: 08min

    Last night as I was recording my new podcast, I realized why most of us get scared when we're about to publish something we really, really care about. On this episode Russell explains why he suddenly has empathy for people who struggle to publish their message. Here are some of the interesting things he talks about in this episode: Why he re-recorded another podcast he's doing a few times, and was still afraid to push publish. Why in the decade he's been publishing podcasts, webinars, videos, etc... he has always preached to just do, but for the first time he actually has empathy for those who have a hard time doing that. And why he is still publishing that podcast, even though he is second guessing things he said, and why you should follow in his footsteps and publish too. So listen here to find out why it took Russell more than a decade to feel empathy for people who struggle to publish their message. Transcript -

  • Why Didn't They Funnel Hack Me... Ha Ha Ha

    23/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    Despite three years of me sharing every secret, they did all the things that I already explained were wrong. On this episode Russell talks about a competing software company that didn't follow the blueprint that Russell has already laid out and why that is so mind blowing for him. Here are some of the fun things you will hear in today's episode: Why Russell is reaping the benefits of a competing software company that is no longer willing to learn. Why it's so frustrating when friends of Russell want his help but refuse to read his books as a blueprint. And why you should never expect Russell to keep a secret. So listen here to find out how if you pay attention you can easily follow the blueprint Russell has made and be successful with your business. Transcript -

  • Why I Throw Out So Many Hooks...

    16/04/2018 Duración: 12min

    Something interesting I realized this weekend about how to reactivate people, get them to commit, and finally give them their big ah-ha. On this episode Russell talks about planning a new 10x Secrets product, when he suddenly questioned why he continues to launch new products. He explains his motivation behind why he continues to do what he does. Here are some awesome things you will hear in this episode: Why getting so excited about a new idea made Russell suddenly question why he continues to put out new content. How spending money on training helps people re-commit to what they are trying to do. And why he loves reading which of his products gave people the aha that made them re-commit. So listen here to find out why it's important for Russell to continue to put out content that will hopefully inspire different people. Transcript -

  • The Hook, The Story, And The Offer

    13/04/2018 Duración: 13min

    How to create the right hook that'll make it so that selling becomes almost super easy. On this episode Russell gives a condensed version of a training he did for Two Comma Club X, where he teaches about the hook, story and offer. Here are some of the things you will hear on today's episode: Why it's so important to have a hook that grabs people's attention. What he used as the hook for his recently launched Book of Mormon Challenge Podcast. A few other examples of hooks people used to sell their own products, and why they were so effective. So listen here to get a quick idea of what you need to know about having a great hook and story to be able to really sell what you're offering. Transcript -

  • Funnel Hacking Live Recap - Day 4 of 4

    06/04/2018 Duración: 11min

    Today's topic was "how to change the world"! On this episode Russell recaps the fourth and final day of Funnel Hacking Live. Here are some of the awesome things that happened on day four: Brian Bowman speaks about acting with a sense of urgency. What happened that caused Russell to realize that next year there will have to be security at the event. How Myron was able to close even more people into Two Comma Club X And how Garret White and Tony Robins rounded out the day. So listen here to find out all the awesome details that happened during the final day of Funnel Hacking Live 2018. Transcript -

  • Funnel Hacking Live Recap - Day 1 of 4

    28/03/2018 Duración: 17min

    My own personal biggest take-aways from the first day of Funnel Hacking Live. On today's episode Russell talks about the events and speakers from the first day of 2018 Funnel Hacking Live. Here are some of the coolest parts of day one: Seeing all the Two Comma Club winners, as well as the all the people who made 8 figures and their awesome awards. Finding out what Operation Underground Railroad is and how much money they were able to raise on their behalf. Being able to watch the documentary film about OUR, to inspire people to help. So listen to this episode to be able to relive what happened the first day of Funnel Hacking Live, or be filled with regret if you missed it. Transcript -

  • Funnel Audibles

    16/03/2018 Duración: 08min

    What to do when your baby flops. On today's episode Russell talks about what one of his presentations for Funnel Hacking Live and why he is giving it. Here are a few of the awesome things to listen for in this episode: What was the inspiration behind Funnel Audibles. Why it's so important to split test your funnels to go from good funnels to great funnels. And what you can expect to hear during the Funnel Audibles presentation at Funnel Hacking Live. So listen here to find out what Funnel Audibles is, and why it's going to be a great presentation. Transcript -

  • Funnel Hack Everything... Not Just Their Funnel

    15/03/2018 Duración: 07min

    Do your homework, funnel hack everything, and Russell's new motivation. On this episode Russell talks about listening to a podcast and finding out what company he now wants to compete against. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear on today's episode: Find out what company Russell discovered that he now gets to compete against. Find out what part of the company Russell wants to hack, because it's not actually funnels. And find out all the ways that you should be hacking other businesses so that you know the ins and out of the market you are in. So listen here to hear what company Russell wants to compete with next, and how he will funnel hack them. Transcript -

  • Simplifying And Sexifying Your Message...

    12/03/2018 Duración: 11min

    Behind the scenes of what I'm currently doing to simplify and sexify my messages. On this episode Russell talks about how much time he spends simplifying his presentations so that even his kids could understand his concepts. Here are some of the other things to listen for in this episode: Why it's so important to cut out the techno babble and complex concepts from your message. Why you need to make your message sexy or intriguing to the audience. And why its important for your audience that you spend an enormous amount of time learning a concept and then simplifying it for them. So listen here to find out why Russell thinks its so important to simplify and sexify your message. Transcript -

  • Hook, Headline, Framework

    07/03/2018 Duración: 14min

    How We Create Presentations That Are SUPER Sexy, That Get Attention And Make It Simple To Teach On this episode Russell talks about all the work that goes into putting his presentations together for Funnel Hacking Live. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in today's episode: Why Russell spends so much time on the headline and the framework of a presentation. Why it is so important to make sure the headline is sexy. And why if he has a framework put together, Russell can do a 90 minute presentation without even having slides. So listen here to find out the process Russell goes through to create a headline and framework for a presentation. Transcript -

  • How I Made 3 Million Dollars In 90 Minutes...

    27/02/2018 Duración: 34min

    A breakdown behind the scenes of everything that went into the 3 million dollars in 90 minutes from Grant Cardone's 10X event. On this episode Russell goes through a play by play of Grant Cardone's 10x event and how he was able to make 3 million dollars in just 90 minutes. He also answers 12 questions people have been asking since the event. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear on today's episode: What kinds of things Russell and his team did to prepare for the event so they would have the ability to sell to such a large crowd. How this offer differed from the offer he presented at last years 10x event. What Russell did to get in state before presenting onstage in front of almost 9,000 people. And find out the answers to the 12 questions everyone has been asking since the event took place. So listen here to hear the amazing tale of how Russell was able to make $3 million dollars in just 90 minutes. Transcript -

  • Project "Mother Funnel"

    20/02/2018 Duración: 09min

    A quick glimpse behind the scene of what's happening here on our biggest, most crazy, funnel to date. On today's episode Russell talks about the new Project Mother Funnel that should be rolling out in the next 30-60 days. Here are some of the awesome things you will learn about it in this episode: What Project Mother Funnel is and what it's designed to do. How it will help decrease churn rate by weeding out the customers Russell doesn't want. And how it will help new customers stick. So listen here to find out what you can expect when Project Mother Funnel is finally live. Transcript -

  • How To Get Yourself And Others Past The Initial Pain So You Can Get To Desire Fast

    15/02/2018 Duración: 08min

    The quickest way to get your team to help you win. On this episode Russell talks about how to get over the initial pain when you start something new and create desire. Here are some of the awesome things to listen for on today's episode: Find out why starting a new business is similar to starting a new sport, because it doesn't get fun until you have a win. Hear the fun story of Russell's first win in wrestling, and how that is what made him decide that he was a wrestler. And find out why you need to start will small wins in order to work your way up to the big ones. So listen here to find out why you need to be able to have a win, in order to create desire, in whatever it is you are doing. Transcript -

  • Avoiding Burnout, Results First, And So Much More

    14/02/2018 Duración: 08min

    A private vox from inner circle member Bryan Bowman that I thought would benefit you. On this episode Russell plays a voxer message he received from Bryan Bowman about burnout. Here are some of the cool things you will here in today's episode: How whiteboarding helped Bryan re-light a fire within him. And what two questions should every entrepreneur be asking themselves to avoid burnout. So listen here to find out what Bryan Bowman has to say about burn out, and he how got fired up again. Transcript -

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