Talk For Food Adam Abraham



Join Adam and his eclectic blend of guests as they explore the science, art, and spirit of well-being, and being well. Visit his blog, Thought For Food and explore the library of articles on the many facets of life, love, religion, race, spirituality, sex, God, books, and extra-terrestrials. Youll feel the presence of an enlightened mind. Listen in to Talk for Food, youll feel the love of an open human heart.


  • Talk for Food – False Flag Events and Our ‘Golden Gift’


    In a thought-provoking monologue, Adam takes a bird’s eye view of false flag events, their purpose, nature, and effects, and the unexamined consequences. Asking the question, “What are false flag events?” Adam cites several examples, from 9/11, now considered the Granddaddy of conspiratorial tragedies of recent times, to the latest at Sandy Hook Elementary School, […] The post Talk for Food – False Flag Events and Our ‘Golden Gift’ appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – Hybrids Amongst Us, Part III


    In this, the first show of 2013, Adam’s conversational odyssey with Cynthia Crawford, hybrid human/alien being and sculptor of extraterrestrial statuettes, comes to a conclusion. In this segment she introduces some of the many intelligences that have been captured in her sculptures, and further expands our appreciation of the rich diversity of life that our […] The post Talk for Food – Hybrids Amongst Us, Part III appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – Hybrids Amongst Us, Part II


    The Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre has cast a pall over the psyche of America and the world, with the political machine ramping up to engage in another series of debates and arguments about gun control. This exercise, according to Adam would amount to a monumental waste of time and energy, as well as further […] The post Talk for Food – Hybrids Amongst Us, Part II appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – Hybrids Amongst Us, Part I


    While science continues to infer that the question of whether Earth’s human population is “alone” among the vast array of star systems in the entire universe, Adam welcomes sculptor Cynthia Crawford, a “hybrid” whose parentage is comprised of human and extra-terrestrial origins. Describing herself as feeling “different” even from the beginning of life – her […] The post Talk for Food – Hybrids Amongst Us, Part I appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – Toward a New World Paradigm


    As we continue to mark the upcoming official start of the Aquarian Age on December 21, 2012, opinions about Earth’s future abound. From World War III to ascension, environmental disaster to life with ET’s. While we can agree that something “New” is upon us, and is needed, opinions about what that is varies widely. The […] The post Talk for Food – Toward a New World Paradigm appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – Making Disclosure Personal


    Are there ET’s among us? Evidence says that they are, but you’d never know it if you listened to any of the “serious” opinion-shapers in our world. Major media don’t cover extraterrestrial stories except for entertainment, amusement, or fear. Science outlets continue to pose the question as to whether we “are alone”, or whether “there […] The post Talk for Food – Making Disclosure Personal appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – Post 2012 Election: Now a Vision for a New Earth


    The 2012 Elections are now history. Now what? What does America think it got, versus what did it actually get? Adam gives perspective. Building on his recent understandings that the Federal government is actually a private corporate entity, the entire electoral process that led to the presentation of either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, is […] The post Talk for Food – Post 2012 Election: Now a Vision for a New Earth appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – Expanding the Possibility Matrix and 5D Healing


    The 2012 Elections are part of an even greater historic event, as the planet Earth and the solar system cross the equatorial plane of the Milky Way, completing a major cycle. An evolutionary leap for humankind is in the offing that promises to change our very definition of reality. But who is ready? The answer […] The post Talk for Food – Expanding the Possibility Matrix and 5D Healing appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – The Hijacking of Canada’s Wealth and Origins of Variolation


    This is the start of a long series of conversations, as it very well should be, since it entails both United States and Canadian “his story”. Our guest is “GM”, a Canadian by birth, but a citizen yet in good standing with his humanity. In other words, he cares about the well-being of everyone, enough […] The post Talk for Food – The Hijacking of Canada’s Wealth and Origins of Variolation appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – New Insights on Structured Water


    More people are discovering for themselves the amazing power and potential of naturally structured, coherent water. Tim Toula has traveled around the world answering the call of his Inner Rock Climber, and brought comfort to the infirmed as a licensed practitioner of the ancient science of acupuncture. He is part of a growing renaissance of […] The post Talk for Food – New Insights on Structured Water appeared first on

  • Talk for Food – Conquering Cancer without a “Battle”


    Everyone knows that cancer is a tough fight, perhaps one of the most important battles that we’ll ever encounter, right? Well the answer is, “it depends” on how you handle it. Cancer is the growing medical phenomenon that it is for reasons that are not evident in most cancer literature. That’s why Adam’s conversation with […] The post Talk for Food – Conquering Cancer without a “Battle” appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – More Technologies from the Inner Soul


    Join us for part II of Adam’s conversation with Rene Hamilton, founder and inventor of Inner Soul Technologies and developer of an entire line of products that are based on Sacred Geometry and information sciences. Of particular note is the Quantum Manifestation Plate, which is based on principles of radionics, and earned a U.S. Patent […] The post Talk For Food – More Technologies from the Inner Soul appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – Resurrecting Resurrection and Inner Soul Technologies


    A rap concert in Coachella, CA captured the attention and imagination of a world far beyond its musical boundaries, when Tupac Shakur, who died by gunfire in 1996, “appeared” and performed on stage with Snoop Dogg. While most of the world focuses on the holographic technologies that were used to create the effect, and other […] The post Talk For Food – Resurrecting Resurrection and Inner Soul Technologies appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – Going Deeper into Genome Healing


    Adam’s conversation with Carol Roberts, originator of Genome Healing and the Genome Healing Workshop continues. Genome Healing is accessible to every human being, and requires no medication or other traditional forms of treatment. Genome Healing is an example of an exciting wave of new approaches to self-repair, relying on intention, consciousness, and information, applied through […] The post Talk For Food – Going Deeper into Genome Healing appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – Growing Gold in a Microwave and Genome Healing


    In this time of change, our concepts of what is possible must change too. In fact, as our concepts of what is possible changes then our times and our experiences will change. Adam’s two guests on this week’s show is a prime example of this principle. The first half of the show is a continuation […] The post Talk For Food – Growing Gold in a Microwave and Genome Healing appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – Energy Field Dynamics: Unfamiliar Science


    After some time away from the microphone, Adam opens up about his new venture; the Photonic Energy Center, a holistic fitness center located in Chandler, Arizona. Of particular note are some of the principles that make the center an example of new, meritorious methods and practices that could point society in a direction that would […] The post Talk For Food – Energy Field Dynamics: Unfamiliar Science appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – The Hidden Side of Light


    Science has long told us that that light speed (186,200 miles per second), is as fast as anything can go. But the evidence is mounting that we have been given only part of the story, and that an entire universe of superluminal light exists beyond the visible spectrum. Adam’s guest is Dr. John V. Milewski, […] The post Talk For Food – The Hidden Side of Light appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – Energy Field Modalities for a New Era


    Adam extends a heart-felt welcome to 2012, representing not only a year of positive change, but the start of a new era. This week’s show features conversations with two guests. Meenal Mehta traveled to Arizona to experience, learn, and speak at Adam’s new Photonic Energy Center about what may be one of the most subtle […] The post Talk For Food – Energy Field Modalities for a New Era appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – The healing power of intention and numbers


    Journeying into realms of quantum possibility takes us further into the energy field, and modalities that involve direct, conscious interaction. Such is the case in this week’s show, when Adam welcomes Lloyd Mear, an engineer and dowser who has developed a variation on this ancient form of divination and turned it into a method of […] The post Talk For Food – The healing power of intention and numbers appeared first on

  • Talk For Food – A Worldview From the Energy Field


    Adam is on a rant again, from the heart. On the heels of a mind-breaking article published on his blog, Thought For Food (, he gives a discourse on energy fields, healing, divinity, and the human being. Influenced by the works of two Russian authors, Grigori Grabovoi and Arcady Petrov, who are also part of […] The post Talk For Food – A Worldview From the Energy Field appeared first on

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